
Hi Sebt,

Thanks for the report and apologies for the delay in our response. I'll be passing this into our review queue for our QA Analyst to review in the coming weeks to work out exactly what is happening here and what our way forward is.



Hi alwin.ahrens,

Sorry to hear you were unable to load into the game. Could you please provide the following for us:

- DXDiag output from your PC and full System Specs

- The Output Log file from your session

You can find details on these here: How to: Submit a Bug Ticket



Hi Ryan,

Thanks for this report. We'll have a quick look at this when we have a spare moment.



Hi Luris,

This issue seems very odd indeed, honestly I've never seen anything like that though we did once have an issue with GOG DLC uninstalling itself from Galaxy due to a version mismatch on their backend. I'm deeply sorry that you've been unable to play the DLC due to this.

I decided to try a few tests on Galaxy myself and can confirm that I was able to access the Heart of Gold campaign with the DLC you have highlighted enabled. Just in case I also tried the french language menu to make sure there wasn't an error causing a UI fault.

My initial thoughts are that if they are a new purchase something may not be quite right on Galaxy's side. I think its worth trying these as some first steps:

1. Restart your PC, sometimes this can cause some unusual errors to fix themselves.

2. Log out of and back into GOG Galaxy then launch the game again. This may jolt something out of place into action.

Please get back to me and let me know how you get on with these and I'll try to help further.



Hi Luris,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We'll take a look into this and try and discover the root cause, seems related to some issues we had with special characters recently.



Likely to be an incorrect hook. When Cian's back from leave we'll take a look! :)

Cheers as always!

Hi Kasrkin84,

Thanks for the report. I'll mark this for our QA Analyst to investigate when he has a moment in the future.



Passing this through for further review by our QA Analyst.

