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Changing the game speed will also change the movement speed of creatures. More than likely this is the cause of the issue.

@Cian What he's basically saying is what when a unit rebels and starts attacking your other minions, etc. They don't fight back, they just let the rebel minion kill them.

And @Ontos, as usual you are finding an insult where none is intended. Cian didn't understand the issue because of bad translation, and was making an effort to try and understand the issue so he can fix it. If it was obvious then he wouldn't need to ask a second time.

Have you changed the game speed mutator? (Note for Cian: Maybe workers moving too fast for the physics engine to stop them escaping inside objects)

Glad you got it working :)

Marking as complete.

So am I right in surmising that your issue is that after an artefact is awarded, you were unable to collect it because workers were scared away by the continuous spawning of units and therefore unable to reach it?

Hi Robin,

Just to confirm? you don't have another level available on the "mainland" that you can click?

Would you also mind uploading a screenshot of how the map screen looks for us.

Thanks (and sorry for the problems you're having)

You have too many maps saved in steam's cloud. You've used up all the space that Steam gives a person to store data. So it's an issue with steam (the third party) not WFTO which is why it is a third party issue.

You need to delete some of the old maps which are saved on the steam cloud to make space for new ones. Any map which has already been published to the workshop can safely be deleted (from the steam cloud, don't delete them from the workshop itself) as you can always download it and re-import it if you want to make changes at a later date.

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