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Hello Terrarkul,
do you by any chance play in 4K resolution or even above?
This is not yet supported and known to cause artefacts or missing parts of the UI.
If you use any resolution below 4K it must have a different reason.


Another point is that workers always finish a task (if not interrupted) before looking for a new one.
When there is a moment where workers do not find any other task than to fortify walls,
they will start to fortify a wall and will finish this task (which takes some time),
even if other tasks get available after they started.
But this doesn't mean they prioritize fortifying walls.

Yea in this game we considered it as cleaner to not have it in the spell tab, as it is too important and often quickly needed.
The Tutorial is explaining it and the button for it does flash bright to make clear where to click.
However people fimilar with older dungeon management games, always try to find it in the spells tab :)

I am glad to hear the issue was resolved that easy.
Have fun playing again! :)

Hello Justin,
your log says that there is an issue with loading some libraries from the mono runtime.
This is strange, because recent patches should not have changed anything on this matter.

Later the game crashes when trying to access existing steam workshop items.
So not our code crashes but the steam workshop API and I do not know why yet.

Just to be sure its not a standard startup crash:
Do you use any speakers or headphones connected via USB while playing?
If yes, please unplug it and try if the game starts. If this is the cause, make sure it is set as default audio device and setup as stereo (not mono) device, before starting the game while plugged.

Yea people go crazy with the map editor making almost unplayable maps with far too much stuff :D
However in this case the limit comes from the fact that these maps need to be compatible for multiplayer and our networking framework limits us to the said amount of objects.
It would be quite some work to allow more objects for single player only and since such maps do not perform well I think it's not worth to change this.

We are not yet 100% sure but it could be that this can happen on very large maps with too many objects.
Our networking can only handle up to 16384 objects and if this number is exceeded more objects can not be handled anymore and wont be placed correctly on the map.
However I wonder if such maps are even playable, because the amount of stuff should cause quite some lags.

OK, I read it deep in the night and was a bit gruff. Sorry for that :)
Well the best would be to not use Windows XP anymore as Microsoft officially stopped supporting it:

This means Windows XP doesn't get updates anymore, security holes will not be fixed anymore and system components do out date more and more.
It is a high risk to use Windows XP since Microsoft stopped support.

And if you want to use 4GB or more you need to use a 64bit version.
WftO supports Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.
If upgrading from 32 to 64bit without "wiping out computer" is doable depends on multiple factors, I remember it was mostly not easy with Windows XP and a 32bit license does not grant a 64bit license.
I hope this page answers questions about this topic:

I never did such an upgrade my self and I can only provide limitted help on this matter.
We are here to fix issues with the game but can not always help with issues users have with their system.

I still hope you find a way to play or maybe one day you can afford a new rig without all these limits.

Either way I wish you best luck :)

Short answer: It is a game from 2015 and not from 1995.
It is using a game engine Unity3d which it self will require a lot of this RAM for all the nicer graphics you can see.
Also mechanically the game is more complex in some ways and the AI is more advanced.
Also nowadays memory is always enough on most systems, so that modern frameworks like to rather allocate more memory if this is a benefit to runtime.

Your rig + OS is from more than a decade ago, not even Microsoft supports WinXP anymore and you even have the 32bit version.

You could as well ask why a phonograph record doesn't fit into your compact disk drive.
If you want to play a game from nowadays with such a system you need to live with some drawbacks.

I am not sure what else to say, I was just trying to help so you can still run the game even below minimum requirements.

Well the top three things take 1GB of memory away from your 3.5 GB usable RAM so that 2.5 RAM remain.
(1 - Opera can be closed, 2 - AMD Evolved can be closed, 3 - Windows Antimalware you might want to keep but can be closed)
WftO requires 4GB RAM to work on all included maps correctly, when you play custom maps maybe even way more.
With that you are still below minimum requirements.
So what ever you try to save is still too big for your RAM unfortunately.
What is it by the way?
I guess it's not a small map.

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