Map names Visually Artifact after Switching
I have noticed, in the Map Editor's finished maps tab, that selecting certain maps will cause visual artifacting of the map's name in the preview window on the right. I have pictures to showcase this artifacting.
Everything's normal, but when I select the map just above it...
Bam, strange letter artifacts left behind in the name section.
And it's gone; for some reason, Mutual Assured Greed and My True Home Realm don't cause this artifacting with each other, but either will be artifacted upon switching from Theme Dressing Realm.
Now, to test if the inverse is true as well...
Yes, Theme Dressing Realm will artifact if selected after either of the above two.
This does not seem to happen in the Import Map section, it is solely restricted to the Finished Maps tab.
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I just realized, while the display name under the map is always two lines with these maps, the larger display name above the preview is one line for the other two, but two lines for Theme Dressing Realm. Perhaps this is what's causing it?