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Thank you for the kind words! We try ;)

We were able to do quite a bit to reduce the CPU cost of scouting minions in particular the Spirit.

It might not do wonders but it will hopefully let you go further as this seemed to be the main performance hit caused by Spirits.

I would recommend to give it another test when next patch is out, but meanwhile avoid having a huge army of them, because they are indeed quite costly right now.

We found a few improvements to speed up the scouting and hope this will reduce the lag you encountered at least a bit.

Profiling revealed two things. 

1) Spirits can lower the frame rate when many of them are on screen.

 - this is due to their transperancy effects which are a bit more GPU heavy than other units

2) Spirits scouting is relatively expensive on CPU
 - this is because it considers quite many locations on the map which were not revealed for a while to select on to scout for

Now I would like to know which of these both issue impact you more.

I will take a look into the scouting algorithm, if there is anything we can gain without loosing too much scouting quality.

Do you know if the lag you encounter is caused mainly by looking at Spirits or maninly by just having many of them on the map?

Please let us know how it goes.

WftO is a bit bandwidth hungry but should work especially in just 1 vs 1 matches.

Oh I see,

the Radeon HD 7500M/7600M series has an average G3D Mark score of 550:


The minimum requirements to play War for the Overworld require a GPU which scores at least 1500 at G3D Mark


Unfortunately your GPU is too weak and not supported, but you _may_ be able to get it to work with lowest graphics settings and your AMD Card would still run the game better than you onboard Intel HD Graphics.

But the treiber software seems to be not correctly installed, if you can not assign the game to run on your dedicated Radeon 7500M.

Did you already try to reinstall your graphics driver?

The issue is that the early notebook with switchable graphics are a mess and every vender did brew it's own solution.

You can try to replace their stuff with official AMD drivers:


(Select full reinstall or uninstall old drivers to make sure it updates)

Otherwie you are stuck with HP Support for your device, this seems like a good thread to look at for reinstalling your switchable graphics drivers:


Only if you can get your switchable graphics to work, so you can assign the game to your dedicated Radeon Card there is a chance that the menu will actually show up.

But as said it is not sure because even your dedicated GPU is below the minimum requirements.

I am sorry for inconvenience and hope any of this helps!


Hello Jebediah,

I did just test the replay cutscene button in both, internal and public version and it seems to work just fine.

Maybe it is an platform specific problem?

Can you add your full system specs as described here:



We will profile if Spirits do anything too costly if you think your lag is related to their numbers.

Hah I am glad it is now working for you.

We fixed this exact problem in the latest patch some days ago and this is why your report and the fix did overlap.

But thanks for reporting anyway.

Enjoy! :)

Hey Glanten,

the log you uploaded contains the same issue but not occuring that often as last time.

How long did you play before you stopped and uploaded the log this time?

Spirits are quite special, how many of them do you have before the game becomes laggy?
Maybe something is too costly about them, might be their scouting algorithm.

We'd need to profile these guys a bit to find out.

> I also noticed that sometimes I can't grab spirits with my Hand of Evil - as though they are busy in combat or something. Might be a separate issue.

You can only grab them while they are on your own territory. Let me know if it is something else but 99% of reports come from not knowing this.

> I was also getting random "your creatures fight the enemy!" announcements on Level 12 when there were no hostile creatures nearby, but that might be a separate issue.

Maybe it is triggered by spirits losing health for some reason, if you find further pointers what could be causing this please create a report for it here on user echo.


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