Your comments

Hi Joosten_Erik,

Thanks for the comprehensive report. I'll pass this over to Cian to take a look at when he's got a moment.



Hi Vepar,

Thanks for reporting this. I'll pass it over to our QA Analyst to have a look into once he's got a spare moment. Just wanted to let you know we'll definitely be taking a look!



Cheers, Marking for review by our QA Analyst. :)

Cheers, I'll pass this for review by our QA Analyst.

Hi Aszlig,

This is currently being reviewed by our QA Analyst. So I'll mark it to show as such. :)



Hi NotQuiteZombie,

Thanks for this, it certianly sounds quite interesting and I'll pass this straight to our QA Analyst to look into further or ask any questions he needs of you.



Hi Gege999,

Is the gold you're seeing coming from the Tavern or are these piles already present in the Vault? It's probable that these piles were either generated because there wasn't enough space in the Vault at the time and they were just left. In this case Gold Piles tend to pile into each other and thus become very large. A Pile of 16,000 gold would fill 16 tiles in a vault.



Hi gege999,

Are you sure the worker didn't retrieve gold in some other way? It may have picked it up from the Tavern, or may have collected it from another source. It's also possible they still had gold in their inventory and dropping them in the vault caused them to drop it.

Was it a single worker you were looping in dropping or was it multiple? Did your worker drop gold each time you dropped him?



Hi Demonizer3,

Thanks for the clarification. Were you the host or the client in this game?



Hi Willett.Sam ,

Thanks for the report and for including the save files. I'll mark this for review by our QA Analyst to check out to see if he can reproduce the behaviour. He'll get back to you probably sometime in the coming days.

