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Can confirm we're not going to be addressing this. The solution would be complicated and likely to cause unintended consequences. As with all Mutators it is likely that they can cause unusual behavior in games and this one is behaving within our expectations.

Some additional replications and notes for this in normal gameplay:

Defense Templates
Palyer Owned Defense Templates are susceptible to this, once a defence is built it is no longer affected.

  • Place a Defense Template and hover the hand over it
  • Rotate around the Template at some points it will no longer be targeted

Enemy Units
Enemy Units are affected by this in all modes but only for empty-hand hovering (same as the editor) when a spell is selected there is no issue. I.e. you can still use lightning regardless of angle.

  1. Place an enemy unit
  2. Rotate the camera and hover the hand over the unit


Replication steps for this ticket (Not for Webbernever's) confirmed today on public live.

  1. Using map editor tools (or godmode) place two 3x3 rooms next to each other
  2. Extend one room into the other by adding a single tile within the 3 joining tiles of the other room
  3. Restore the room to it's 3x3 shape, the prop will now be missing.


Can you check the replication steps in your ticket to see if any other steps continue to lead to the replication of this issue?

We'll review the save game when we're a bit more free :)

Thanks for this, we'll take a look into it.

Just so you know I gave this a try this morning and can confirm the achievement is being awarded when the condition is met so I can't understand why it has not yet been awarded to you.

Now we've got your save files I'll pass this on to our QA Analyst to review when he's got a moment, if there's a scenario where it is not being awarded we'd be quite interested in it. Just out of curiosity at what point did you try retrieve the artifact in each attempt? I went straight for it and the achievement was flagged the moment the artifact was acquired.

Something you can do is open the debug console (Scroll lock) before acquiring the artifact and seeing if the flag fires for the achievement. You'll see it presented in blue text.



This is a known issue accepting through to relate to existing ticket.

Confirmed as well, see Webernever1's replication on Userecho. Passing through to code team.

Quite a strange one then, probably an intermittent issue with a cause not quite so obvious. We'll keep our eyes peeled for this moving forward but for now I'll close the ticket. Feel free to reply again if you ever find a solid replication condition.

Yes can confirm that this behaviour is intended you can see through the hole that appears if two tiles are not linked.

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