התגובות שלך

Hi ZzZombo.

Again this doesn't appear to be a bug. Collecting tasks, such as rescuing KO'd minions, etc are the highest priority because that's what seemed intuitive and the majority of players seem to be ok with it. In the situation you're describing it is not just the distance that is taken into account when selecting a task, but also a hard coded variable of importance/priority so i'm guessing that even though another task may have been closer, the AI was deciding that the collection task was still more important.

With that in mind i'll have to decline this ticket as it's not a bug as far as I can tell, however If you feel strongly about this (and think the priorities need re-adjusting), i'd suggest making a thread in our suggestion or general discussion forums and see if anyone else feels the same way.

I'll poke our Linux tester to see if we can repro this, thanks for the report.

I'll mark it as declined for now then, but if you can find any evidence of it not working properly just let us know (in this thread) and I can re-open the ticket as appropriate.


- Nutter

Hi ZzZombo.

From the looks of the screenshots it appears that it is your territory (specifically your Area of Influence) that is providing the vision here. Your area of Influence extends about a tile and a half from your terrain. Assuming you own the bridge in the first 2 screenshots and have claimed the lair next to the Empire walls in the final screenshot, then everything is working as intended with your AoI providing vision.

Can you confirm that is the case here so I can close this ticket.

Hi ZzZombo,

First of all, dead units/corpses cannot be picked up by the hand of evil, so instead as you can see in your screenshot, the hand found the nearest selectable minion (in this case the dying firebreather) that you're about to pickup. Which is highlighted to make it as clear as possible. Therefore this isn't a bug, as the pick up selection is working as intended.

Considering that you were trying to pick up something that you can't pick up and the unit highlighting makes it very clear which unit is about to be picked up, and in this case it was just a miscommunication that you cannot pick up dead units, i'll have to decline this ticket bug (as it's not a bug) but you are more than welcome to start a thread on the suggestions forum about changing the position of the selection area in relation to the hand of evil model and see if there is support from the community which may persuade the devs to consider changing it if you think that is an issue.

- Nutter

Hi ZzZombo, Whilst I can understand that this is a little odd for the map, as logically the empire couldn't have reached that area to claim it. It isn't actually a bug. The map is working as intended (as intended by the designer who put those tiles there) and as you can see those Empire Owned Fortified walls run the full length of the edge of that chasm. Those particular tiles would have automatically become unfortified as you approached (dug towards them), when a neighboring tile is claimed and there is no claimed tile of the walls owner (the Empire in this case) in 8 neighboring tiles around the wall.

The UserEcho tracker is meant for bugs (although admittedly that's not a 100% hard and fast rule), whereas feedback like this would probably be better suited for the Suggestions section of our forums.

We do appreciate all reports we receive but on this particular tracker, we mostly have to decline/reject tickets that aren't actually bugs, whereas the Suggestions forum is open for all discussion and feedback. So for future reports/feedback that aren't definitely 100% bugs i'd ask you to post there instead of here.


- Nutter

Defense construction always has a higher priority over Fortifying UNLESS you dropped a worker on a tile to manually assign him a task, in which case it looks for the nearest task and does that task as it's main focus, even continuing that same task multiple times (fortifying more than 1 wall). Chances are you dropped the worker next to a wall (closer to the wall than it was to the defense blueprint) and he assumed you wanted it fortified rather than the defense built.

Whilst a little annoying for you in this instance, this is intended behaviour so isn't a bug.

Best thing to do is use a Natural Bridge for this area which the AI cannot delete. This is what the Natural Bridge tile is designed/intended for, although I know it doesn't look as cool as a Stone Bridge over the chasm.

That being said, this sounds like intended behaviour so i'll make this as declined, but if you're still having issues and the AI is selling the natural bridges or something, let me know on here and I can re-open the ticket.

Use the Import Map function to re-import your (wrongly named) map as a map you want to edit it and it should let you re-name it (properly) there and use that name when re-exported.

Let me know if that's what you're looking for :)

Thanks for all the extra work you've put into narrowing this down for us, i'm sure the coders will have a much easier job now :)

Exporting to Jira.