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Did you possibly play an Oberon level just before loading the save?

Hi Curry Days, There is already a plan in place for allowing the community to help translate the game into different languages on our forums. (https://forum.brightrockgames.com/threads/wfto-translations.9693/) which might be of interest to you.

As a QA Lead, I don't have the authority to give (or deny) you permission to share/distribute your mod, so i'll ask one of the devs to take a look at this ticket, however as it is not a bug i'll eventually have to change the tag to "Declined" regardless of the outcome.

Updated the tag for you Nano :)

@OP Let us know if it's still not working after the next patch, but by the sounds of it Nano has fixed it.

You'll need to add Coherent UI to your exceptions list, as well as the WFTO game itself. (Coherent UI is the middleware which handles the menus, etc)

With that correctly added you shouldn't need AVG disabled (I run AVG too and once everything is correctly added as an exception it works fine for me)

Can you try that and let us know if the problem is solved?

Would you mind translating something for me, asking him to read the "How to submit a bug ticket" guide (http://brightrockgames.userecho.com/topics/118-how-to-submit-a-bug-ticket/), we will need some information about his new PC's specs, etc in order to figure this out.

That's actually Sacred Earth rather than Sand, so it's not a bug that your workers can't pick him up. But it is an oversight since it leaves you unable to rescue him. It also breaks the scripting causing the behaviour you described with massive armies spawning.

Confirmed not fixed.

@Nano see this map created by Riva http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=696141077

Each artefact is random, different artefact grouping and different slider values but all come out as Plentiful Gold.

I believe there was a random 1.3 patch that got uploaded somehow but later patches should have fixed this issue (with a new 1.4 build replacing the old 1.3 build you mistakenly got) can you confirm that's the case now?

If he's dying on Sacred ground, that would explain why he can't be picked up by your imps (they cannot take ownership of items/objects which drop on sacred ground), you'll need to try and get him away from the sacred ground before you kill him again (perhaps the Shockwave spell? or the Wormhole potion if you can get it close enough)

Let me know if that solves the problem or it is something else causing the problem.
