Vos commentaires

Nano Boucher can you change it so Stone Knights have the same lava immunity + pathing as Sentinels, in its own commit (so it can be reverted if needbe), then assign to Cian.

Cian, can you test through C4 of Heart of Gold when I am in the office and let me know when the Stone Knights start attacking. We'll take a look at their pathing and ensure there's no issues. If there are, we will revert Nano's change.

Could we use the 'an enemy titan has been killed' lines? They should already be recorded.

Yup please go ahead and remove the number - a number isn't needed anymore due to the visual range indicators.

Hi Ontos,

Could you please refrain from being rude to Nutter - he's only here to help :)

He and Cian are correct. This is entirely by design.

Banned aspects should behaved exactly as pre-unlocked aspects in VoE.

  • Disco Inferno: Makes everyone near him dance
  • Friendship is Magic: Everything that dies nearby is turned into a Democorn
  • Painbow: Rainbow beam
  • Double Painbow: Rainbow Cone
  • Horny Charge: Charges to target
  • Basic attack: Melee horn attack