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Oops, just noticed I placed OS X system by mistake. It's Windows, I cannot edit the post any longer.

Win7. I would uploaded log, but I got rid of that undismissable titan already, and the next one is working fine.

I have not reset the campaign, only the home realm. And yet it was enough to remove access to all rooms and spell. Sad :(

I don't think you understand what I'm talking about. I can slap it continuously for 1-2 minutes, fast enough to not allow it to regenerate, and thus kill it. It definitely should not be working like that.

I'm smashing right mouse button as fast as I can, 3-4 slaps per second. I can kill the Behemoth with my slaps, but not dismiss.

Same here, no attacks from matriarchs in the last mission.

I think it helped. I loaded the save file where imps refused to carry prisoners, and now they can do it again right from the beginning.

Well, I never leave any bodies other than heroes workers who die instantly. But yeah, there were plenty of them on the only path to prisons in both my attempts.

I think I got a rebelled huntress yesterday due to this issue. She just kept standing there in "Idle/Working" mode without eating/sleeping until her mood became 0, and I was busy with other stuff and didn't noticed.

Yeah, I have 2 prisons for 50+ creatures and ~20 prisoners :)

I can release a prisoner from my prison, beat him again, and he will be carried to prison just fine. While those who never were in prison will not be carried.

Just now I tried to take a few prisoners to hand without releasing them, and then defeat some more heroes. And suddenly workers started to carry them to prison again, as if they realized there is still free space.