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It could have looked like this because idle workers only try each 4 seconds to find a new task to not hurt performance with task queries while just being idle and maybe there aren't even any tasks.
So maybe inbetween these 4 seconds a task popped in proximity, but another worker which was further away took the task before the idle worker even tried.
While this is a little accuracy issue, it wont cause any issues in a larger scope.
If an idle worker is really much nearer to a task than all other workers then another worker wont make it in time to become nearer inbetween 4 seconds and the idle worker will correctly take over.
At least I guess this was the effect encountered here.

We are changing drastically how titans are summoned for next patch
and by working on this I just found and fixed this problem already.
This will work correctly next patch, please mark as fixed.

Any way thanks for reporting.

Thanks for this report,
we will fix it for next patch together with the issue that this alert also triggers when you reveal an artefact which is stored in an enemy archive already.


This is exactly what is happening already.
If a worker searches for a task which has more than a 10% shorter path to an already assigned task, he will take this task over and the old assignee will search for a new task.
Did you encounter a case where this didn't work?
Can you provide an example, screenshot or video?

I also had this recently in a sandbox map with all the 4 corners of dravens core.

If we would block them on obstacles like rocks under FoW, then player could use the flag to figure out what is below FoW.
To get a rid of the flags, you can also right click the Worker Rally or Impasse flag icon but this removes all of those flags.

Yea Harun,
what Emil Hemdal said is most likely cause for such a behaviour and not the game itself.
However the game is relatively demanding, which might trigger the problem more easily
and if you don't have a dedicated gameing notebook,
laptop cooling is often not very effective when a longer while under full load.
I had the same experience in the past, also for me at this time a decent cooler pad helped a lot.

As it is said in the link above, when ever reporting an issue, your specs and your logs would be useful.

As said at another report. There is plenty of ways to damage an allied player.
You should not ally with anyone you don't trust.
Limitting these things would limit also ways to cooperate with your ally.
This is not a bug.

This is a different game with own mechanics and we do not support to build bridges just where you have view.
It is always required to connect them to your claimed land.
Other than that you should be able to drag rooms form an invalid location towards a valid location.
The issue with partially completed rooms I might not fully understand, but as far as I do it was in no dungeon management game from the past possible to drag rooms over unclaimed tiles so that the room is placed after claimed.
If this is what you mean, then it's a feature request/suggestion and not a bug.
Please raise suggestions here: