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Hello NoobNooberNoobest,

Did you by any chance install the Japanese Translation mod from:

I think the issue is indirectly caused by this, because it adds a new column to the games translation file for Japanese, which then allows to select Japanese language in the game options, what you did.
However with the new Patch 1.4 the translation file was updated and overwritten, so that the additional Japanese translation column is now gone.
And now in the game options the selected language points to this non existing column for Japanese, which is causing the game to not load properly anymore.

But even if you would now reinstall the Japanese translation mod to the new patch, it would cause issues, because many translation keys were changed or added recently.
So to play in Japanese, I fear you will need to wait a little while till a new version of the Japanese mod is released, matching the new keys added with patch 1.4.

For now you can quick fix the problem by editing the Options.txt file to set your language back to English.
We will make on our end sure for next patch, that the game falls back to English and starts properly in case the selected language in options does not exist in the translation file.

To set your language back to English:
- Go to your games library in steam
- Right click on "War for the Overworld"
- In the context menu select "Properties"
- Switch to "Local Files" tab
- Click on "Browse Local Files"
- Go to subfolder "WFTOGame_Data/GameData"
- And open the file "Options.txt" in a text editor
- Find the line "Lang=7" (non-existing Japanese translation) and change it to "Lang=0" (existing English translation)

Then your game should start correctly again, but in English language.
Once an updated version of the Japanese translation mod is available you can install it again to play in Japanese.

As said we will make sure that future changes on the translation file will not break the game in case such translation mod is applied.

I hope this helps!

Cheers and good luck,
(WFTO Programmer)

It is still valid, because it gets auto deactivated when vaults are full. The tooltip will show this.
I recommend scrapping this ticket.

Nano this looks again like out og combat abilities preventing his normal need activities

This is a block renderer update issue it seems.
Watch the video provided on UserEcho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUhHeHoJLnM
The blocks get logically converted to non gold tiles, which is shown by the tooltip but the renderer shows still gold at times.
Maybe you know how to fix?