
Hello kkeiper1103,

looks like something is preventing our UI middleware (Coherent UI) from starting properly.
> DllNotFoundException: CoherentUI_Native
But this library (CoherentUI_Native.dll) must be surely there.
Could it be that any antivirus or other security software is blocking it?
What windows version are you on?


Hello SunPlus,

what happens if you confirm the above dialogue to select chinese language?

Doesn't the game start normally after this?

We contacted GOG support for this issue.
We will get back to you once we got an answer from them.
It would help if you could upload an output_log and tell us your full system specs, as described here:


We have seen issues like this before which were resolved by simply rebooting the system.
Did you reboot since then and the issue does still persist?

Hello kevinoclam,
this seems to be an issue caused by a third party library and we are right now waiting for their support on this problem.
We will get back to you once they got back to us hopefully soon.
Stay tuned!

Likely just any download or software failure. But keep an eye on your hard disk in case things like that happen more often.
Glad it works now!

Then please reboot and start Steam as administrator and do the steps in the last link.
This should recover the file, just questionable how it got corrupted in the first place.

Hope this helps!

I just found out that "error code 1392" means  "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.".

So potentially there is either missing rights or an antivirus protection (or similar) preventing to execute "CoherentUI_Host.exe" otherwise the file would be corrupted which could in worst case even point to an hardware issue.


Are you 100% sure that there is really no such software running that could prevent executing the file?
Can you start "D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/War For The Overworld/WFTOGame_Data\CoherentUI_Host/windows\CoherentUI_Host.exe" manually?
What happens if you try?
If it is corrupted indeed, can you try to fix it by verifying your game files: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335 ?

Seems CoherentUI has erros on this system and there is not much we could do other than contacting Coherent Labs, except you have a better idea?

Here are the errors:
> [Coherent Browser] (Error) Starting process ""D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/War For The Overworld/WFTOGame_Data\CoherentUI_Host/windows\CoherentUI_Host.exe" --coherent-options=host-da18a1b9-d319-45d3-ab1e-a88be309f922" failed with error code 1392
> [Coherent Browser] (Info) Uninitializing Coherent UI Session
> [Coherent Browser] (Info) Coherent UI Session uninitialized successfully

> ApplicationException: Creating a ViewContext failed!

  at CoherentUISystem.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

We had a quick look and found two issues
1) An Oculus got stuck and can not move out because of a false check which does not allow him to enter chasm (which is correct for non-flying units, but not for Oculi) 
2) There is a bug causing rats to be spawned at map origin, so deep inside the rock, because of an initializer which did not run.

Especially the latter could have a bad impact on performance.

We will get these problems fixed for next patch.

Thanks for pointing us to these issues!