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ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: viewID
#=qL4Olk_CuXQFFe4baLqKgFCd4UpGVKbLik7R9QKkggFo=.#=qTjzRG5NZMK$ruj9mm$to7w== (NetworkViewID #=q5xFek_f1nIUsLqw3cQsX2A==, RPCMode #=qv62NX5TYhjmzap27ah$81A==)
uLink.NetworkViewBase.RPC (NetworkFlags flags, System.String rpcName, RPCMode mode, System.Object[] args)
uLink.NetworkView.RPC (NetworkFlags flags, System.String rpcName, RPCMode mode, System.Object[] args)
uLink.NetworkView.RPC (System.String rpcName, RPCMode mode, System.Object[] args)
ProxyTiles.RPC (RPCMode mode, System.String rpcCall, System.Object[] args) (at Assets/Scripts/Multiplayer/Proxies/ProxyTiles.cs:172)
ProxyTiles.RPC (System.String rpcCall, RPCMode mode, System.Object[] args) (at Assets/Scripts/Multiplayer/Proxies/ProxyTiles.cs:176)
DataAccess.BlockDataImpl`1[E].Explode (IOwnedObject instiguator, Int32 damage) (at Assets/Scripts/DataAccess/DataObjects/Block/BlockDataImpl.cs:1478)
HellfireEffect.performServerLogic (IPotionData potion, Vector3 atLocation) (at Assets/Scripts/EntrySystem/EntryTypes/Persistent/Data/Potion/Effects/HellfireEffect.cs:86)
WPotionEffect.usePotion (IPotionData potion, Vector3f atLocation) (at Assets/Scripts/EntrySystem/EntryTypes/Persistent/Data/Potion/Effects/WPotionEffect.cs:27)

Hello agin,
just please keep this report/thread.
It is even intented that other people who encounter the same issue do post on this same thread,

so we can collect as much information we can get about the problem in one place.


Hello Sinreal,
this sounds very unusual and we never had any reports of an issue like this.

I guess since this happened you did restart the game already?

This is important because the game generates a log file where any issues encountered during a play session are logged.
Because these logs can become quite big and to avoid bloating the hard disk with logs,
this file is overwritten each time the game is started and thus the information about previous issues gets lost.

In case you have not yet started the game again, please follow these instructions to upload your log file:

Please also add your system specs as mentioned in the link.

If you restarted the game already, then there is not much we can do about right now.
But in case you encounter the problem again, please upload your logs to this thread as described in the link before restarting the game, so we can take a look if any errors occured causing this unwanted behaviour.


Hello Merket,
first of all, sorry for not answering again after my last post, but I was in the middle of moving into another country to work directly at the studio making War for the Overworld. But now I am almost settled.

The answer you got from Valve sounds pretty much like a generic standard response.
But in this case their answer does not apply, because it is clearly an issue between Valves Steamworks framework we use in our game and Valves Steam Client you use to install and keep track of your games.
More specifically Steams DRM check is quitting and starting the game again with Steam, when it (falsely) detects Steam is not running.
(Which seems to fail in a loop)

Please try to insist on a non generic answer from Valve, because their generic answer is not appropriate.
But in case they are not willing to help, there is not much else left then asking them for a refund, which they normally give.
I am sorry for this inconvennience and hope the problem can be sorted in an adequate way.

Thanks a lot for your patience and understanding.

Kind regards,

Hello Blake,
"WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/NFAA' - Setting to default shader" is a harmless log and won't cause issues to start the game.
Is this what you posted above your entire log and it ends like this? (Asking because it should be longer)

If not could you please attach your full log using the paperclip button above the text editor which has the tooltip "Insert File" (to avoid bloating your report with log text).

There are multiple known reasons why the game would not start for you, eg. a Wireless USB Audio Device is plugged but not set as system default and not set to stereo (Unity bug) or AVG Antivirus is finding a false positive and stopping the game.
Known issues like these and how to fix them are mentioned under this URL:
Please take a look, if there is a fix applying for you.

If it's none of these issues, we need your full log attached to have a deeper look why it fails on your end.

I hope this helps.