Your comments

Thanks for the report FlyingWizard and sorry to hear you're still suffering from the issue. Unfortunately as far as we can tell this is still isolated to your system which suggests there may be a hardware or software issue at play.

That said I can certainly advise that not interacting with the game while it is loading is generally a good idea. WFTO is pretty hefty at load time as you're aware and it can easily be disrupted. I'll be keeping this ticket open and in our backlog for review in the next triage pass to see if there's any way we can make this more robust.

Hi PKCrafty,

Sorry to hear you're still having issues. We are aware that the custom campaigns menu especially can be quite slow to open if the player has multiple large custom campaigns downloaded and is exacerbated if the game is installed on a Hard Disk Drive.

I myself have many custom campaigns installed and it can take a while before this menu loads. If I leave the computer for a while it does eventually complete loading, but otherwise presents as if the game has locked up. If you attempt to interract with the game during this time Windows may believe the game is frozen and attempt to close it. 

I advise clicking on the menu and then stepping away from the computer for a little while to see if the menu opens as intended.

I will be reopening this ticket for further investigations in the next triage pass.



Hi Ourouvouros,

Thanks for the crash report and apologies that you experience this crash. Unfortunately the reports attached do not include any information that would allow us to diagnose the issue.

From what we can tell the Unity crash handler itself crashed and as such did not generate the relevant information. This typically happens when there's a crash caused by the underlying Unity Engine and should be extremely rare.

Because there's no info for us to go off I'll be closing this ticket but please do submit a new ticket or update this one if you receive another crash in the future.



Hi Jan.Henze20

Apologies for the Google Translate. I think I understand the probblem. You are taking control of a character and that character is immediately rotating on the spot.

This is usually because of a non-neutral input from an analog input device. Such as a game controller, driving wheel, joystick etc. Try unplugging all devices of this type, this should resolve your issue.

Apologies for the delay in response, we have been busy lately.

Let me know if your issue is resolved. Cheers,


Hallo Jan.Henze20

Entschuldigung für die Google Translate. Ich glaube, ich verstehe das Problem. Du übernimmst die Kontrolle über einen Charakter und dieser Charakter dreht sich sofort an Ort und Stelle.

Dies ist normalerweise auf einen nicht neutralen Eingang von einem analogen Eingabegerät zurückzuführen. B. ein Gamecontroller, ein Antriebsrad, ein Joystick usw. Versuchen Sie, alle Geräte dieses Typs vom Stromnetz zu trennen. Dies sollte Ihr Problem beheben.

Entschuldigung für die Verzögerung der Antwort, wir waren in letzter Zeit beschäftigt.

Lassen Sie mich wissen, ob Ihr Problem behoben ist. Prost!


Hi Condor88,

This usually happens when the game is receiving an unexpected non-neutral input from a controller. I.e. a gamepad, a driving wheel, a joystick. Essentially the game is receiving input from these devices telling it to turn to the left.

Check your setup for such devices and try unplugging them. This can include special adapters which aren't appropriately configured such as Wii-U / Gamecube adapter cables, even without a controller plugged in!

That should resolve your issue.



Hi Behemothnl,

Thanks for the update and we're pleased to hear you got the game working! The issue you described sounds very fascinating and appears to be an underlying issue between Unity (which handles all sound management for WFTO) and your sound setup initially. 

Although there's nothing we could do to help further I'd be very interested to know what your default device was set to originally versus what it worked with, this might help us put together a knowledgebase article to help others who may encounter similar issues.



We'll take a look at this in our next review of WFTO tickets. Thanks for the report.

Hi Julian,

Apologies for the delay in our response. While we've ramped up production on our next projects it's been difficult to stay on top of issues reported for WFTO. I realise it might be a little late to gather further info on the issue but we'd particularly love to get our hands on the affected map so when we do come to doing a pass through WFTO tickets then we have what we need to investigate further.

Can you send us a copy of the map editor files and any exported versions of the map. You should be able to located them in your save file folder. How to: Locate your save files



That is truly peculiar. Seems to be unrelated to the initial ticket here which is regarding the main campaign of the game. The images and community files provided show that this occurs in a custom campaign and would probably bear some relation to Mightyscript scripting in that case.

I'll put this in our backlog and will take a look when we next come around to a review of tickets for WFTO.

Thanks for the comprehensive input. I'll put this into our queue to review next time we do a maintenance pass on WFTO.