Your comments

Definitely worth us looking into this. Thanks for including the save files, we'll investigate for our next triage pass.

Webbernever1, if possible can you indicate levels that are affected and even better include saves from the affected levels near completion.

Hi Dracus,

Sorry to hear you're having problems with the game crashing at the end of levels and apologies for the delay in getting back to you over the holiday season. We've reviewed the crash logs you sent over and each one consistently shows the game is unable to allocate further memory on your machine, causing the crash.

This seems pretty peculiar given that your system has 16GB of RAM installed. But upon inspection of the allocations for WFTO we're only using a few GB of this at the time of the crashes. Further evaluating your logs could indicates one of two possibilities:

  • Your Paging File is running out of memory and thus the game is not able to allocate to that.
  • For whatever reason, you're running out of physical memory and the game is not able to allocate directly there.

In either case, there are no indications that there is a problem on our side.

Initially, I would suggest the following:

  1. Trying switching off all unnecessary programs while running WFTO to free up as much space as possible.
  2. Expand your paging file's maximum allocation size. This may be too low to allow further allocations with other applications taking up space.
  3. As a hail mary, you could try disabling the paging file altogether, though this may result in undesirable side effects. It should be easy enough to re-enable in any case.

Hope this helps,


Hi Overpain,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I wanted to confirm that the barracks EXP limit is working as intended, there is no limit on the Barracks; it simply becomes increasingly difficult for units to gain a level in the barracks.

However, we will investigate further how quickly you can train a unit via possession. We're not sure if this is problematic currently as the nature of possession means you sacrifice presence for greater efficiency in person. We'll look into it and see if this is working within our projections.



Hi CrimsonTouch,

Can you send us editor files for your level so that we can look into it directly from the map editor and understand your script setup and replicate the issue ourselves.

You can locate the map files with instructions from this article:

Can you also list in bullet points a series of steps to make the issue occur in your map.



Hi German_Doc,

Can you confirm the email address that you used to sign up to the newsletter for me? I can check to see if you've been correctly added to the list.

In any case, if you signed up using the in-game interface you should have unlocked the worker skin even if the email was invalid. There is no need for confirmation or a code to unlock it. Have a look in a skirmish game to see if it's available to select.



Hallo German_Doc,

Können Sie die E-Mail-Adresse bestätigen, die Sie verwendet haben, um den Newsletter für mich zu abonnieren? Ich kann überprüfen, ob Sie der Liste korrekt hinzugefügt wurden.

In jedem Fall sollten Sie, wenn Sie sich über die In-Game-Oberfläche angemeldet haben, den Worker-Skin entsperrt haben, auch wenn die E-Mail ungültig war. Es ist keine Bestätigung oder ein Code zum Entsperren erforderlich. Schauen Sie in einem Scharmützelspiel nach, ob es zur Auswahl steht.



This is being marked as complete as there has been no customer response. However I note that separately Condor88's issue was resolved in the manner suggested previously.

Dropping this into Triage. Though noting that this may be related to the Change Faction Alliance action that you've raised internal bugs about.

No worries. Enjoy!

Hi Frayo,

Apologies for the delay in response. We're extremely busy at the moment and we prioritise addressing tickets dynamically based on when we can find time to do some quick tests or whether a ticket requires further testing. I apologise as you should have been contacted sooner.

I can confirm I've tested this behaviour and I know what the problem is. We should be able to address this in our next triage pass.



Hi Midapiet,

I've confirmed with the code team that unfortunately, there's no possible cause rooted in whether the Undergames DLC is enabled or not. 

Whether the DLC is enabled or not does not actually change anything with how the game or save files work and is completely separate from these systems. It's more likely that this would be the result of a rare intermittent issue and coincidentally seemed to fix the problem but did not actually address the underlying issue.

Unfortunately this issue is practically impossible for us to identify with our current resources. Though I'd certainly welcome any save files which have the issue occuring that we might be able to investigate further.

