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Hi Captaincandle,

I think it's likely that the issue here is the setup has been configured as port triggering as opposed to a virtual server. The problem with Port Triggering is that it requires a client (your PC) to make an outgoing connection on those ports before the router forwards those ports to the client. This means that if your PC does not make an outgoing connection on those ports the router never forwards the ports to your PC. It also means that if another client makes an outgoing connection on those ports they get the forwarding instead.

I'm not an expert on the intricacies of how ULink is working, or how we communicate with the Steam master server but as I understand it there shouldn't be any outgoing traffic on those ports, as a result the forwarding is never established.

Instead you should setup your port forwarding as a virtual server pointing directly to the local IP of the PC that you want to act as the host. This should ensure that the traffic always goes to that PC rather than waiting for the PC to establish an outgoing connection on that port.

Give that a go and let me know how you get on. :)



Hi Captaincandle,

Can you send through a screenshot of the configuration for your port forwarding on the router. Honestly I'm not sure what could be causing this either though ULink can sometimes throw a wobbly due to unusual cases, unfortunately without knowing much about the network we're dealing with it's also very difficult to advise.

Just to clarify as well when you're attempting to connect via WAN is this the internet as your medium or some form of privately owned and operated WAN (i.e. between two LANs owned by a single company using wireless?).

When you're receiving the Port Forwarding error message on hosting a game have you actually tried hosting the game and have your friend connect? It is possible that the PF check is not communicating properly with your PC for some reason.



Escalated as top priority. Please view Userecho comments for further details.

This affects any unit that has been imprisoned (including player units dropped in temporarily, persists through corruption and is resolved by loading a save game with affected units.

I've confirmed this behaviour independently of the save file in fact this seems to affect more than just corrupted units and may be related to Prisoner AI changes.

Once any unit has been dropped into the prison they seem to start ignoring rally flags once released. This appears to persist with Imprisoned units who have been converted in the torture chamber.

Cian's tests with your Save file seem to show the units fixed on loading the save and I can confirm independently that this is the case, as soon as I loaded a save file with affected units they began following rally flags as normal. I'm escalating this ticket up to the code team for an urgent fix.

Sometimes you need to restart the game for this list to update. Have you restarted your game since earning these achievements?

Hopefully this should be fixed in version 1.6.5. Please let us know how you get on!

This should hopefully be resolved in Patch 1.6.5 which is available now on Steam ,please let us know how you get on.

This should now be fixed in Patch 1.6.5 which is now live on Steam.


Hi  嘿灰灰会灰黑,

I'm sorry that we've yet been unable to provide a solution to this issue. We've now determined that the problem is being caused by a third-party DLL and we're working with that company to work out what the issue might be.

What's difficult to understand is why this is only affecting a very small number of users (Much less than 1%), as for many others this DLL is causing no issues. We're hoping that working closely with them will provide some extra insight.

We'll keep you informed of our progress but I thought I should drop in and let you know where we're at with this.

Sorry once more, and thank you for your patience.




很抱歉,我们尚未提供解决此问题的解决方案。 我们现在已经确定问题是由第三方DLL引起的,我们正在与该公司合作解决问题。

难以理解的是为什么这只会影响很少的用户(远远小于1%),因为许多其他的DLL不会导致任何问题。 我们希望与他们密切合作将提供一些额外的见解。




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