Your comments

We'll find somewhere to surface this a bit more :)

- Blueprints for other items. Unfortunately after investigation is not technical feasible.

Other things are on here are definitely worth further consideration. Difficult in particular is already being investigating.

Not currently on the docket but for future content we might find a place this fits in nicely. We'll keep it in mind.

We are currently already investigating alternative difficulty settings for future updates.

Unfortunately we're not going to be able to move this forward on a technical level. Currently however there are happy and sick sounds that should play depending on the patient state as per the latter half of the suggestion.

Moving forwards to consideration.

We'd definitely like to get this in. Moving to in consideration.

We're potentially going to reopen this to investigate further. Moving to in consideration.

Just dropping in on here as I've identified the location of the text in question. This should be more than enough for us to go on Dominik if you can pass this through to us. Please include this image into the OP.

Image 8802

Desenvolvido por UserEcho