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Thanks for the reply, I've marked this for further review by our QA Analyst.

I can confirm that we've had a few other reports from Linux users of random crashes since the 2.0.1 update. I cannot confirm if they're related at this time but we're investigating now.

If possible please include further crash logs as this may help our programmers to identify a related caused.



Hi bzy.xyz,

Thanks for reporting this. I've marked it for our QA Analyst to review and determine the appropriate course of action. 

We'll be looking into it this week! :)



Hi Matteo,

I've marked this ticket for review by our QA Analyst as he might have a little more insight to offer on Linux issues. 

To help him advise you I'd also like to ask a few questions:

  1. When was the last time you updated your graphics drivers? Can you confirm you are using the latest version of said drivers
  2. Can you confirm that you have all the dependencies listed in the Linux notes section of System Requirements
  3. Are you able to confirm exactly when this issue started to occur, does it coincide with a particular releases of War for the Overworld or an update in your software.
  4. Are you able to provide a screenshot or video of the issue occurring?
  5. Can you provide full System Specs & Player.log as requested here: How to: Submit a Bug Ticket



Hi Rick,

Thanks for contacting us, unfortunately we cannot assist without a full report of the issue. Please read How to: Submit a Bug Ticket and include as much information as possible in your response. At the very least please include a description of your issue, any steps you took for the issue to occur and an output log from an affected session. If you have a save file where the issue is currently occurring that would be ideal.

You can reply to the email you receive to continue this thread.



Hi Nicola,

Thanks for the report, I'll pass this through to our QA Analyst to take a look into when get gets a moment.



Unfortunately at this point we've done all we can to assist you. It is extremely difficult to try and troubleshoot the issue without receiving confirmation of the steps above and being able to pour over the images in a single location showing that the requested actions has been done.

As was previously addressed by my colleague your logs were showing that a Windows redistributable required for War for the Overworld to run is not working correctly and we don't have much of a reason as to why that would be. At this point it is beyond the remit of our support team to address the issue you're experiencing and the troubleshooting process has come to a standstill.

All I can advise is to once again double check everything I've said in my previous response but beyond that I can only advise you either seek further support from first-party support for the operating system or from a technical forum which specializes in the operations of the OS. Beyond that all I could advise is to seek a refund from Steam on the grounds that the game is not working and that every effort has been made by the development team to resolve the issue. Hopefully that should help support any request you put in with Steam support, but we cannot guarantee any refund as we do not have control over the refund process.

I am sorry that we could not resolve your issue.

This might be related to a bug that we're fixing internally. But I'll pass it onto our QA Analyst to have a quick look into before 2.0.1.



Hi Gand,

Thanks for the report and the vid. Our QA Analyst will take a look as soon as he can. :)



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