steam version of war for the overworld runs on integrated gpu

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as steam does not support dedicated laptop gpus, the game needs code to switch gpu during startup which it does not have. please add that code so that the game can run on my dedicated gpu. 
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Satisfaction mark by andreasaspenberg 7 years ago

i have already tried that solution but steam overrides it. it does that for all games not programmed to switch gpu.

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Hey andreas,

Please follow this guide: How to: Force Dedicated GPU

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I've never heard of Steam overriding this setting, many many users have successfully followed these steps in the past.

Can you please send us a screenshot of your GPU settings so that we can verify? 

What is making you think that it is not on the dedicated GPU? 

Can you also send us your system specs?


There are also 2 WFTO executables , make sure that you are applying this setting to WFTOGame.exe


the actually tells me that my pc is trying to run it on the integrated gpu. the nvidia gpu is set as standard gpu but the problem here is still which can not run on the m series opf nvidia gpus. you have to code around that.


i have told the control panel to run both on the dedicated gpu and the game still runs on the integrated one. here is an idea you could try: program out the game`s ability to run on integrated gpus.


Please try and add -window-mode exclusive to your launch parameters


it is the steam version, not the gog version. that is therefore not an option as steam overrides all settings.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

You can access launch parameters in steam by right clicking the game in your library, opening properties and clicking "Set launch options..."


no, that is not the case. the options i have is properties, uninstall, make shortcut on desktop, specify categories, write a report, show community guides, show forum, show community central, show news, show downloadable content and play.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Hi andreasaspenberg,

Yup that's right. Click properties to open the properties window and then you'll see "Set launch options". See the attached images for an example.