התגובות שלך

Hi Blokmeister,

Sorry for the delay in our response we've been very busy lately and are just now catching up.

Please could you include the .meta file associated with the save file you attached, we won't be able to open the save without that file.



Reassigning to review now we've got the Log.

Thanks for that :)

I'm assigning this back to review so we can look at it now we have the Meta. :)

Hi Angel of War,

Can you provide a demonstration of a layout that is causing the earthquake mechanic incorrectly? Generally this should only be firing if the enemy units would spend too long pathing to the centre of your dungeon, so attempting to delay them with Arena/Prison barricades in their path can sometimes cause issues. As far as I know the doors shouldn't be a problem.



Hi Mateusz,

Thanks for these reports I'll have them tagged for our QA Analyst to review.

As a sidenote Mana capacity is determined by the number of sins you have researched. :)



Thanks for submitting the log for us. I'll make sure this is reviewed now that we've got that.



Hi Cazier,

Sorry for the delay in response, we've been very busy lately and only now are just getting through our backlog.

I've marked this for review by ouru QA Analyst to take a look on what's happening here and if he can replicate.



Hi Johnmw544,

Sorry to hear about the crashes you're suffering from.

There's certainly something interesting happening in your log. I'll pass this through for review by our QA Analyst for a more trained eye to go over it.

Can you confirm if you've tried to reinstall the game, sometimes updates can go a little strange and cause odd issues.



Hi Mario.Kaesler,

From what I can tell it appears that the game is running out of memory that it can access. When you see the issue occur is it on larger levels with lots of units? 

My advice for trying to offset this is to ensure that you're not running other programs other than WFTO, it's a very memory heavy game and we generally recommend at least 8GB of usable memory to ensure there's enough for the game at any one time. But often it's best to exceed that if you want to use other programs at the same time.

Essentially the more RAM you can reserve for the game the less likely this crash will be to occur.

We're always working on optimizing memory usage as well which may yield improvements in the future.

Please give it a go whilst reducing your memory usage and see if this helps.



Hi Mario Käsler,

Nach dem, was ich sagen kann, scheint das Spiel nicht mehr genügend Speicher zu haben, auf den es zugreifen kann. Wenn Sie das Problem auftreten, ist es auf größeren Ebenen mit vielen Einheiten?

Mein Ratschlag, dies zu kompensieren, besteht darin, sicherzustellen, dass Sie keine anderen Programme als WFTO ausführen, es ist ein sehr speicherintensives Spiel und wir empfehlen im Allgemeinen mindestens 8 GB nutzbaren Speicher, um sicherzustellen, dass immer genug für das Spiel zur Verfügung steht. Aber oft ist es besser, wenn Sie andere Programme gleichzeitig verwenden möchten.

Je mehr RAM man für das Spiel reservieren kann, desto weniger wahrscheinlich wird dieser Absturz sein.

Wir arbeiten ständig daran, die Speichernutzung zu optimieren, was in Zukunft zu Verbesserungen führen kann.

Bitte versuchen Sie es, indem Sie Ihren Speicherverbrauch reduzieren und sehen, ob dies hilft.



Hi Mateusz,

Thanks for the report. Unfortunately this mirrors a similar issue we've had with My Pet Dungeon achievements on GOG Galaxy and we're not entirely sure what the cause for that is either. We've never really been able to pin it down what's happening here.

I'll mark this for review for someone to give it a try to see if we have the same issue but otherwise I'm not sure there's much we can do about this.

