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Thanks for that Grant,

Frustrating that none of those options are driving us any closer. For the _CommonRedist folder I'm not sure why that might be missing but in that case I can link you the files you need. Just try to give these an install.

Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5.2 Runtime

Direct X Runtimes (June 2010)

Visual C++ Redist 2010

Visual C++ Redist 2012

Visual C++ Redist 2013

Visual C++ Redist 2015

Try installing all of these and then as a last ditch hail mary just try temporarily disabling malware bytes entirely. Just in case the exception didn't cover everything we needed. Beyond that I'm absolutely stumped. For the Intel Drivers I can only imagine your manufacturer may have some of their own drivers that could be updated? But I'm not holding out much hope on that front.

I'm talking to the code team today to see what we can do. So far our conclusion is that we're a bit stuck, this isn't an issue directly with any of our code it's something that happens before any of that starts. Most concerning if this issue is indeed related to Intel Iris graphics and occurs even if you have a dedicated GPU (as in your case) it could mean serious compatibility issues with 10th Generation Intel CPUs.

It may be some time if ever before a fix can be deployed and we may simply have to advise you seek a refund in the meantime. I'll try to have a concrete answer for you by the latest on Wednesday.

Fingers Crossed,


Hi Grant,

I think I forgot to mention 1 more troubleshooting step for you specifcially. Please ensure that any options which allow you to set the Nvidia GPU as your primary are set for WFTO's executables. See How to: Force Dedicated GPU.

Please let us know how you get on. I'd be really interested to know if any of the above help towards resolving the issue at all.


Hi Grant,

Thanks for that. Unfortunately I'm still at a loss on how to proceed, there's been a few more reports and the only common factor that I can see continues to be Intel Iris. You actually have an exceptional case as your system actually has a Nvidia GPU as well and the game does try to boot with that. However the end-result is still the same as those users who only have Intel Iris graphics, leading me to believe the issue still lies somewhere around that.

For the moment there is no clear solution though we are still trying to troubleshoot. With nothing generating a report as to what is actually happening however that's proving to be troublesome.

Can I ask you to try the following for me:

  1. Install all the programs contained in the "_CommonRedist" folder in the WFTO folder. And try launching again.
  2. Ensure your Intel graphics drivers are up to date using Intel's program.
  3. Ensure the Nvidia drivers are up to date using Geforce Experience.
  4. Attempt to run the game in D3D9 mode, D3D10 mode or D3D11 mode by using the launch options for "-force-d3d9", "-force-d3d10" and "-force-d3d11" as detailed here. Do these one at a time and see if anything changes.

I have a meeting with the code team next week to see if we can work out a way forward. So if you can let me know if any of the above work in the meantime that would be excellent.

As before sincere apologies that you're suffering from this issue and thank you for your patience.


Hi Arudarg,

Thanks for chucking this across to us. Once I get some free time I'll give it a try and see if I can replicate the issue myself. :)



Hi Grant,

Thanks for the reply. That's truly quite odd, you're not the only one who's seen this issue recently but we've as yet not been able to isolate the cause. Currently operating on the belief that it's some specific hardware or software configuration. Perhaps systems which also feature Intel Iris GPUs (there's a known issue with our Unity Engine version on OSX with those particular GPUs) However your game seems to boot on the correct one.

Sadly the output log simply ends, there's no indication of a crash. It just stops, as if the process was terminated by something external. As a matter of interest in your video we noted something appeared in the bottom right hand corner of the screen saying "Restoring 19 items". Do you have any idea what that might have been?

Can I also ask you to try launching the game directly via wftogame.exe from the steam folder? Perhaps also try launching it with administrative privileges just in case something strange is happening. 

Finally I'd like to ask if you can check Windows Event Viewer under the Windows > Application tab to see if there's any Application Errors pinged over at that time?



Hi Stlucke,

I'm sorry to hear you had an issue with installing the game. From the sounds of it this is a Steam client issue and not related to War for the Overworld itself as we do not handle any step in the Steam install process. May I advise you drop a ticket into Steam Support? :)



Hi Liam.dou,

Sorry to keep you waiting. As it stands this issue is still eluding me, though as mentioned you're not alone in being affected and I'm hoping to identify a common cause for all users who are suffering this. 

I want to confirm that the behaviour is as follows:

  1. You launch the game on Steam, the splash screen appears
  2. After a few moments the splash screen disappears but WFTO itself never appears. There is no WFTO program on the taskbar or in task manager. The process just ends.

Can you also try launching WFTO.exe and WFTOGame.exe separately from the game's folder. Just to see if the behaviour is any different. In particular WFTOGame.exe is the game itself, while WFTO.exe is the initial booter program which is meant to launch the game once it's done.

Finally can you confirm if you're running any Anti Virus programs or similar. If so which ones are you running and can you try adding both exes to your exceptions, if that fails try adding the whole folder to the exceptions.



    This ticket is extremely old and was previously resolved. I see you've raised a separate ticket so I'll respond there :)

    Hi C.thorpe2903,

    Can you confirm how you tried to get them to open the crypts? Did the issue occur after an action on your part? This may help me replicate the issue.

    Additionally can you confirm if it was the ghouls who were attacking each other? Ghoul's can go berserk if their controlling Necromancer dies, though another Necromancer should be able to bring them under control.

    Armed with that Info we might be able to get to the bottom of your issue.

