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Hi jkwalsh40,

Unfortunately after reviewing this issue with the Code Team today this issue is not going to see a fix within the remaining development of WFTO. There's a number of reasons for this but primarily it's simply a matter of resources spent vs value of fix, we're not entirely sure as to the cause of this issue but one thing is sure; the issue is deeply ingrained and to resolve it would require considerable resources that unfortunately will not be available to us moving forwards compared to spending our resources on other higher priority issues or new features.

Basically the scope of the issue as a non-critical issue affecting only a small subset of the GOG player-base does not rank highly against more critical issues. We didn't want to leave this in limbo so as such we're now going to close this ticket as not fixable.

We know it's not desirable for issues like these to remain in game and we want to always endeavor to ensure that player experience is the best it can be. But realistically there are some issues which we won't be able to address so we want to ensure that expectations from our community align with that.

Thanks for the report and I apologize that we will not be fixing this issue. Please feel free to get in touch if you have questions. :)


Unfortunately after reviewing this issue with the Code Team today this issue is not going to see a fix within the remaining development of WFTO. The issue is deeply ingrained and to resolve it would require considerable resources that unfortunately will not be available to us moving forwards compared to spending our resources on other higher priority issues or new features it's simply not going to get a look in..

We didn't want to leave this in limbo so as such we're now going to close this ticket as not fixable. We know it's not desirable for issues like these to remain in game and we want to always endeavor to ensure that player experience is the best it can be. But realistically there are some issues which we won't be able to address so we want to ensure that expectations from our community align with that.

Thanks for the report and I apologize that we will not be fixing this issue. Please feel free to get in touch if you have questions. :)


Hi Richard,

Thanks for reporting this to us, I'll move this report to the bug tracker for our QA analyst to review.



Hi Fluffiest,

Apologies that you did not receive an explanation yesterday. This ticket was declined internally as part of a mass review of long-standing "low priority" tickets as we approach the release of Patch 2.0 and the subsequent end-of-life support period for WFTO.

We are currently working to resolve as many issues as we can for the 2.0 release however some issues are considered too minor or too costly to fix with relation to their impact on gameplay for them to make the cut. In this case the issue is a deeply ingrained design flaw that would require a complete refactor of the rebelling mechanic.

Sadly the cost to refactor this portion of the game is not something we have the resources to resolve in the remaining lifespan of the project and the end-of-life support period is going to focus on critical/major issues as a priority. As such this issue will sadly not be fixed. We know this isn't ideal and if we could have our way we would continue to refine and support WFTO for years to come, addressing community concerns all the while. Sadly reality requires we start to look to our next projects.

We didn't want to keep people hanging any longer and we're working to review and reply to tickets declined as well as lay out a general announcement on our plans for support moving forward.

Sorry once again and I apologise that this issue will not be addressed.


Added related ticket which demonstrates this issue in the campaign, including save files.

Passing this ticket through as it appears to be related to another issue but includes important information: primarily that this also occurs in the campaign mode.

Internal Note: This Userecho ticket has some save files available on the Userecho comment thread.

I'm going to pass this through and related it to our other ticket internally. It's important to note that this is occurring in modes outside skirmish as well. Thanks for the report!

I'm sorry to hear you've encountered this strange issue. We'd definitely love to investigate and have it fixed for our next update.

If possible could you provide some more information on the type of units, what game mode you were playing and the exact state the units were in when you saved and quit the game.

It'd also be great if we could get our hands on your save game and an output log from a session where this occurred so we can see what might be the root cause of this. Please read How to: Submit a Bug Ticket for instructions on where to find those files!



As it currently stands this is working as intended. These units were never intended to be owned by a player through normal gameplay and thus don't have recorded alerts.

However we may want to review this design for 2.0 as this will be the last chance to change direction on this so I'll put it into review for discussion next week.

Great to hear!

I'm not going to close this as it's worth us looking into the saves / log you provided in case we can prevent such occurrences in the future. So i'll be moving this thread across to our bug tracker for our QA Analyst to review next week. :)

