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Most of my maps have only English name, no characters in other languages:

This is probably due to a bug: Folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\War For The Overworld\GameData\Workshop I - empty!
Although I tried to keep almost all of my maps.

The bug is fixed? Now random artifacts can not only give gold?

I checked with another map, 2 player. Tried to import it, for 3 players Again critical bug. The problem is clearly in the change in the number of players.

What else is bad, after a critical error - WFTO hangs, and has to shut down through the task manager.

I even removed the sign ? in the title map. It did not help.

I have a map for 2 players. I'm trying to import, and in the settings change the number of players (up to 4). Maybe the problem is that you have not provided (or is broken) change the number of players?

However, Noontide wrote "You can always reimport a map to add additional factions to it (As this creates a brand new map file)".

I rushed to the conclusion that perished in the game helps. I have twice left the game and ran it again. But I can't import your own maps. And the only problem with my maps.

No, the original map is called
Disco Inferno
The map that I want to do after import is called
Whose kung-fu is cooler?

No cyrillic characters in the names of any folders, there is no game, - the game is not Veit cyrillic characters I didn't renamed any folders.

It is bad that can't edit the topic start, I would have deleted the repetition of the link to the map.

Not immediately drew attention to the question above. No, I did not use import. Just a lot of edited map, before publication and after.