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thanks for your answer.

please try verifying the game (right-click on the game in the libray -> properties -> local files -> verifiy integrity of games cache) and start the level anew. (eg. dont load a saved game)

other than that i will have to talk to the coders. thanks for your input

You said 6 minutes in, how did you manage to get attacked by this time? the first attack wave should come later.

may i ask if you used Debug commands? Are you using the steam or the DRM-Free version of the game?

ill ask even if that can be seen the wrong way, Do you use a cracked game ? (ill try to help you anyways so if thats the case that would be a great pointer.)

otherwise i will have to get the coders in, this one is really odd.

wow that one is certainly new O.o

thanks for your report we will have a look

ill gladly check with design on that. i may be wrong (though its unlikely (as it should be) this stuff happens) in this case we will investigate if the huntress is a bug

i will decline this issue until we get data we need to act upon. (basically to clean up the backlog)

that does not mean we ignore the issue please, feel free to add new logs if further crashes happen, or open a new report.

thank you for reporting this one

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