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Never saw someone tagging a suggestion as a bug XD
Please use the Discord Channel, Steam Forum or the Official Forum (https://forum.brightrockgames.com/) for suggestions

Please check this thread on how to submit a bug ticket, would be very helpfull and can lead to a faster fix for it


Screenshot plz.
Plz Specs
When does it happen?
What have you done before?

I can confirm that for the Kasita Theme (but not for the Silver Theme).
I tested all Themes, and Mira, Kasita, Dark Arcane and the Phesteus (or however your write that) are funky looking.

Ticket for the Units VFX issue


Please upload your Output_log, when it crashed (if you restarted the game or loaded something else, it get's overwriten, then there's no ned for it).

Did you got an Crash log?


It seems Laptops have difficulties loading the game, usually, if you wait for 5-10min (do something else, eating for example), the main menu will pop up.

I've seen that as well what you described. But if they don't need to fight, they won't fight.

If there's a door near by they will attack it, simply because it's in range of their aggression radius.

they leave other units fighting, because they healed them and the other enemies were out of their aggression range. So they decide do go back to your dungeom to refill their needs, and when there's something at their way home which is in their range of aggression, they will attack it.

The Situation you describe is simply that the cultist haven't anything to do there, because the other things are out of range. The priority to refill needs and patch himselfe up is higher.

on the way back he saw a Door which is in his range of aggression, so he will attack it, because fighing the enemy has a higher ptiority as refill needs.

How I said earlier, we could increase the range of aggression, BUT that would lead to range units are hunting other units and moveing off.

So perhaps a slight increase would help, which could cover as 1 or 2 units, but IMHO it's good how it is right now.

Behaviour is intended, no bug, but perhaps an improvement idea.

Minions who haven't satisfied needs or low HP will go back to your Dungeon, especially when there's no rally flag.

And they will attack minions and defenses on their way back.

Behaviour is intended.

we could increase the radius, where the range units are attacking while they aren't rallied.