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I can confirm that, Dravens and Korveks deaths doesn't get registered.

I really would like to know what Nano or V0id did to the campaign that it is now broken XD
5 bloody days...

Just playtested it, and can confirm, that the game doesn't regiter Marcus Death.
He will keep summoning workers, the objective will stay and the voice line wont get triggered.

Funny, that I just played the campaign 5 days ago, and it worked fine XD

Yes, Vampires will easily rebell against you, when they are unhappy for a long time. Rally Flag let ignor your minions needs to a certain point, then they will just move on and do their thing.

- I totally agree that the Vampirism Ability needs to be reworked/rebalanced (also true for the Archon, because he can heal him selfe from 3k to 20k with 1 hit).

- I do not dislike that the Vampire refuses to stay inside the Arena. But It takes away that you can test something in the Arena with an Vampire.

- About the Feeding problem, I think it's fine how it is, even that he refills it agaist defences, because of the riks of him getting inprisoned.

But we could make it that way that the Vampire do not refill it against his own kind? So that collecting Vampires and let them train just again Vamp's would be "solved", but an easy workaround would be, just get Beasts and Beast Master and then your Vamps are happy again.

Number 3

Was host again


Was a minimal match, happens very early

Webbernever1 got the idea, that the Ability of the Colosus and the Monolith causes that problem.
We just tested it, and we can confirmed it.

Hi Isteckel
We would need your Sytsem Specs and Output_log as well plz. If it's a savefile please upload it as well, if not, I think it could be helpfull if you would save it and upload it as well.

I will link you a really short guildline, where you find everything where you can find what, and what coudl be helpfull for us to assist you. Thanks for the report


Tested it on version 1.4.2f9
Can't reproduce, will test that in a real match then