Ihre Kommentare

Thanks for the info.

here is a video demonstration

the text remains in English.

This is the translation file

Wfto GameText Traduzione IT.csv

Ok, steam to be downloaded again 36 Mb, patch works correctly now :)

this problem has not Been solved for me. FPS

not to exceed 60 even though V-sync is disabled ... up to 60, but never 61+ :(

same here, the game (even with just a few items on the minimap) never exceeds 60 fps with v-sync disabled (so at the time the activation of the v-sync in the game is pretty useless and counterproductive)

my configuration:

Amd Fx 8320 4.5 Ghz
12 Gb RAM DDR3 1600 MHz
MSI R9 390 8Gb DDR5

1080p resolution

I should be able to easily exceed 60 FPS with vsync disabled, but this does not happen under any circumstances ...

reaches a maximum of 60.7 FPS never get to 61.

personally it occurred only at the first start (instinctively I performed the procedure described in the previous post).

Hello guys, I found a solution to the problem ...

follow the instructions.

Cit. me(xD)

I have solved this problem as well:

1) click options> check "Window Mode"

2) enlarged the window (1920x1080p) .. (the top button on the right)

3) changed the resolution from 640x480 to 1920x1080

and I removed the check "window mode"

