Your comments

Hi Antares,

I'm closing this ticket now as we have not received a response in two months. However I believe that this issue should be resolved due to work we did with a third-party who's software was disrupting War for the Overworld. We believe all cases of this should be resolved.

Please feel free to talk to us further if you need more support.








Marking this as complete because it should have been marked a while ago but got lost in a time warp. Sorry and thanks for the report! :)

For Review in the new year to see whether this is something we can address. Though on the other hand we may keep it the same depending on our discussions as this could still be important information for the player.

Hmmmm this case is meant to be suppressed I gave it a quick try with some Skargs in an Arena just now but couldn't replicate. We'll give it a more robust go in the new year.

This is currently working as intended. There is a single name pool used across all units which is drawn from a list of names sent in by our Kickstarter backers. It's relatively minor but I'm going to mark it as for review so I can be reminded to chat with the rest of the team in the new year to see if we're still happy with this.

Marking as for review in the new year so we can quickly review if we're happy with how this is working.

Currently working as intended. Will likely be reviewed for 2.0 as with a lot of other things in relation to game balance.

Thanks for the report, I'll be placing it in the list for review next year for Cian to run through the Empire unit list and make sure these are all setup correctly.

Confirmed this behaviour in Hollow with a sapper, incredibly good find answers a few questions as well such as capture-able sappers.

Thanks a lot for this one, I don't know how you keep finding this niggly ones that have gone undetected before :P

Confirmed this. For some reason the Arcanist AI isn't using their abilities properly. When I spawned level 1 Arcanists in the pattern shown they all went into an idle state and ignored the enemy. Only a Level 5+ Arcanist engaged the enemy using her "Arcane Storm" ability off cooldown. My presumption is that the Arcanist is incorrectly behaving like a Melee unit, deciding that it cannot path to the target for the purposes of most of its abilities and thus ignoring the enemy. Only when they gain Arcane Storm do they use an ability.