Your comments

Hi Kasrkin,

Very strange indeed that certainly doesn't sound right. We'll have a look at it in our next Triage pass I'm sure.



Thanks for the incredibly detailed report of all these issues Rudolph Reindeer. It's much appreciated.

I'll assign it to the standard review queue as I think Cian will want to pour over this before we decide exactly when and how to address it.

Thanks again we'll let you know when we've had a look over it,


He is the lord of all he surveys. This is his intended perspective.

No honestly that's a pretty amusing one and should be a relatively easy fix. As it's fairly minor I'll assign this for review in our next triage pass.



Hi Kasrkin84,

Thanks for the report. I'm pretty sure this is intended, though the linked ticket was an oversight as the Empire theme is default and it wasn't considered that the dwarven theme was the best fit for that level, this will have been changed purposefully.

Still it's worth having a look at as if we do want to change it for story consistency it shouldn't be particularly strenuous. Assigned to review in our next triage pass.



Hi Kasrkin,

Thanks for the report. I'm sure this will be an easy fix so I'll cast it into our backlog for us to review on our next triage pass!



Hi GolanVI,

Sorry to hear you had issues publishing an item to the workshop. I can't say I've ever seen this particular error before but it's possible it was caused by an intermittent issue with the Steam Workshop when you tried to upload. Can you try publishing the item again?

If the result is still the same I'll have to consult directly with our programmers but I suspect this issue will be on the Steam side.



This is one of the scenarios that was removed from the game as they were produced by our QA Volunteers and thus not technically maintained by ourselves. If you're still playing from the old version which was included in the game its possible this issue was fixed on the workshop:

Note that you can't load save files if the save file was created in the previous version as it will still load the old version of the map. Maybe the cause of your problem.

Thanks for the details both, I will tag this for an issue for us to investigate once we next do a pass through the reported issues. 



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