Vos commentaires

Hi demonizer3,

Thanks for the report. Could you confirm for us under what conditions this occurs. Is it in a particular game mode or in multiplayer and in which case are you the host or the client.

Do you have a way to reliably reproduce this behaviour?



Hi Demonizer3,

Thanks for the report. Can you let us know a little more information, were you experiencing this issue in a particular mode or map? Does it occur in every mode?



Hi Vepar,

Thanks for the report and sorry to hear you're having issues with loading times and crashes. I've moved your report from our general helpdesk to our bug tracker and I'll mark it for review by our QA Analyst (likely who told you to drop us a line here) we'll review it as soon as possible and get back to you.



Thanks for the replication steps. We'll take another look as soon as we have a spare moment. :)

Reopening as the issue has not been resolved. 

Please include a log from the latest crash.

Hi Juan,

Sorry to hear you're suffering crashes in the game.

Please include as much information as possible. Can you also confirm if you are on Linux particularly and include your full system specs and an output log/ player.log.

Please see here (How to: Submit a Bug Ticket) on how to appropriately report an issue to us for some examples of what you can include.

Also I've moved your ticket to our WFTO Bug tracker so it's in the correct place now. :)



Hello Jean-Marc,

Thanks for getting back to me on the GOG Forums. As Cian has requested please provide a few additional details for us including:

  1. System Specs
  2. Output Log from the session
  3. Confirmation of the version number displayed on the main menu
  4. Details regarding whether you are running the game from the Installer version or Galaxy version from GOG.

And anything else you think is relevant.



Google Translate Below

Ciao Jean-Marc,

Grazie per avermi contattato nei forum di GOG. Come richiesto da Cian, ti preghiamo di fornirci alcuni dettagli aggiuntivi, tra cui:

Specifiche di sistema

Registro di uscita dalla sessione

Conferma del numero di versione visualizzato nel menu principale

Dettagli riguardanti se si sta eseguendo il gioco dalla versione del programma di installazione o dalla versione Galaxy di GOG.
E qualsiasi altra cosa tu pensi sia rilevante.



Hi Ryan,

Thanks for getting in touch. I've taken a look into this and can confirm there is indeed some unusual and unexpected behavior happening with workers. I've made a ticket for this internally for our AI Programmer to review it to see what's happening and what can be done. We suspect it may be caused by some performance optimisations. I can't confirm whether there's any scope for this issue to be addressed fully as it entirely depends on the scope of the problems and the ramifications of fixing it but I can promise it will be looked into.

