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Hi bzy.xyz,

Same as my previous response we really appreciate the comprehensive nature of the report and we're sure to look into it. Hopefully we'll be able to hotfix these sometime soon.



Thanks for reporting this bzy.xyz,

I'll draw this to the attention of our QA Analyst for replication. Unfortunately the programmer responsible for Mighty Script is on leave this week so any fix may have to wait until next week at the earliest.



Hi Insantyz,

Thanks for this report and the video, it certainly shows some very interesting unusual behavior that is difficult to comprehend. The rate of loss of workers is perplexing to say the least and watching the Minimap doesn't show many of them stepping near lava, certainly not in those numbers. However that is the only hazard on the level.

We'll be reviewing this and will try to determine the cause of these workers deaths.



Hi Insantyz,

Thanks for the report, I'm truly sorry to hear that your experiencing periodic crashes in the latest version of the game.

It's possible that the latest 2.0.1 version of the game is suffering from instability on Linux as this is not the only report which has appeared since this patch, but what is peculiar is that we didn't suffer from this issue when testing on our own Linux machine. In any case I apologise for this and can assure you that we're investigating this and will hopefully have answers for you in the near future.

In the meantime if you have any further details that you can provide us, ideally a save from a level where this is occurring that would be fantastic. Also if you could describe if there are any particular times when this starts to happen such as whether it's appearing on particular levels or after a certain length of gameplay or in a particular mode that would be great.



Hi Audiophiel,

Thanks for the report, I'm truly sorry to hear that your experiencing periodic crashes in the latest version of the game.

It's possible that the latest 2.0.1 version of the game is suffering from instability on Linux as this is not the only report which has appeared since this patch, but what is peculiar is that we didn't suffer from this issue when testing on our own Linux machine. In any case I apologise for this and can assure you that we're investigating this and will hopefully have answers for you in the near future.

In the meantime if you have any further details that you can provide us, ideally a save from a level where this is occurring that would be fantastic. Also if you could describe if there are any particular times when this starts to happen such, whether it's appearing on particular levels or after a certain length of gameplay or in a particular mode that would be great.



Hi Ryan,

Thanks for reporting this. We'll be looking into it most likely this week.

The only thing that might help us further here is a save from the game in question where units were not appropriately fulfilling their needs as this behaviour can sometimes be hard to replicate.



Hi Ryan,

Thanks for the report. I've marked this for review by our QA Analyst and I've raised this in our meeting this morning as it's not an isolated report. We'll be getting back to you.



Hi Zimberzamber,

Thanks for the report. I'll pass this right across to our QA Analyst to replicate and determine the cause.



Hi Charis,

Sorry to hear you're having issues launching the game and thanks for trying out our knowledge base articles.

I've had a cursory look through your output log and this seems to indicate that the UI Middleware is crashing. I'll pass this across to our QA Analyst to identify the root cause and determine a way forward.

