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Hmmm well at the moment all I can do is pass through your output log and see if the code team can garner any insights from it. I'm not sure why you'd see crashes as regularly as you do however or see your CPU jumping up so much.

@Knightenterprises Can you confirm whether Bohser's analysis is the same on your side on whether they are disappearing after loading the save but reappear after a few seconds?

In either case I'll pass this through to code. :)

Sorry to hear that, honestly from this side it sounds like Steam messed up the update and has corrupted a file somehow, all the exceptions in the output log are pointing towards the Unity Engine which operates below WFTO and as such it's not our code that is at fault.

However the vast range of exceptions that are occuring and the lack of coherency in them other than all being Unity related would certainly point towards corrupted files. The only solution we could expect would be to perform a complete reinstall. But I recognize the limitations imposed by your ISP and understand if you're unwilling to download the game again.

Steam splits updates into chunks. The CSV file will have been in a chunk that is approx 20MBs in size. The actual size of the CSV is 4.15MB. With that said I wouldn't have expected it to be that large anyway.

Just for clarity as well, the only change the patch made is to update the CSV doc where all text lines are pulled from because some languages missed translations. So it's as unrelated as possible from your issue.

In normal operation an output log will not grow past a few KB in size, as it has grown so quickly to such a massive size the game must be throwing a lot of exceptions very quickly. Looking at your output log it appears that Unity Engine is collapsing in on itself.

Just tested the latest build again and can confirm it works on all our PCs in the office. So my first recommendations are to try the troubleshooting steps listed here: General Crash Troubleshooting, Startup Crashes.

Particularly I'd recommend verifying steam cache or performing a full resinstall of the game as if this happened after a patch it's possible steam messed up the install for you.

Were you the host of the game or the client?

Hi Felsi,

Great to hear, we hope that improves your experience with WFTO :)



Hi Felsi,

I've reviewed your output log and I believe that I can confidently identify a cause of your crashes. It appears that the engine is crashing because it is unable to address further memory for the game's use.

DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 1 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 4194304.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 2 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 4194304.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 3 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 4194304.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 4 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 4194304.
DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocation 4194304!

Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!

This isn't to be unexpected as your system is below minimum System Requirements and the timing of these crashes appear consistent with circumstances where the game would need to address a greater amount of memory than usual.

WFTO is a very CPU and RAM intensive game given it's vast size, amount of sounds, AI processes and deformable terrain we address a lot of memory to store all sorts of things at runtime. Unfortunately this means that anyone below 4GB of Memory is almost certainly going to see a crash even if they shut down all other processes, in fact we recommend that players have at least 8GB of RAM installed in their system (as well as using a 64-bit OS so that this memory can be addressed).

Unfortunately what this means is that there is little we can do for your particular case, although we certainly wish we could help further. All I can advise is try to shut down literally anything else that is running, even consider closing the explorer.exe process so that Windows explorer isn't using as much memory and turn down your settings for Windows. You might be able to get enough memory to perform the tasks you're looking to do but unfortunately I can't guarantee that.

I'm going to set this ticket to pending customer for now so I'll pickup any response from you immediately but I will close it down after a day if I receive no further response.

Best of luck and sorry that I can't assist you further.
