Stuck on loading screen *any map or mission*

  • Views 9,345
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

Steam did a auto update of the game today (19mb or so) since then none of the levels or maps load, stuck at the loading screen with about 2-3% of the load bar full, waited over 10 mins and nothing. Game is therefore as of now unplayable for me.

Game Version:
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Biervampir [AUT]

Hi RavenZahadoom

Please Upload your Output_log and give us your Specs.
We would need those things to help you properly


Opps for got the output log here it is: Output log

(btw my output log was 300MBs what the hell??? your system would not accept the file so I had to delete it start the game again wait 1 min on the stuck loading screen and then upload this 6MB one, why the hell was it 300MBs? some does it not refresh after a certain size?? Sorry but bad bad programing there so b4 long it was gona start eating up GBs of space on the hard drive?)

Plus specs: Specs

And saved game: WFTO_Tutorial wftohomerealm_autosave wftohomerealm_autosave.meta

Version says 1.4.3f4

So anything I forgot?

Biervampir [AUT]

When the log is 300MB, there is definatly something wrong here. if the output_log is that huge, use WinZip or WinRar to compress it, that's how I do it.
I can't find if you are on Windows, Linux or on a Mac, please let me know trough the comments.


windows 7 64bit its in the specs file i uploaded

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer

In normal operation an output log will not grow past a few KB in size, as it has grown so quickly to such a massive size the game must be throwing a lot of exceptions very quickly. Looking at your output log it appears that Unity Engine is collapsing in on itself.

Just tested the latest build again and can confirm it works on all our PCs in the office. So my first recommendations are to try the troubleshooting steps listed here: General Crash Troubleshooting, Startup Crashes.

Particularly I'd recommend verifying steam cache or performing a full resinstall of the game as if this happened after a patch it's possible steam messed up the install for you.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Just for clarity as well, the only change the patch made is to update the CSV doc where all text lines are pulled from because some languages missed translations. So it's as unrelated as possible from your issue.


So the CSV file was 19MBs? Hmm ok I will take your word on it... btw looking at general crash troubleshooting the only things I haven't done is restart the PC (which I'm about to do now) and did a full reinstall, but the thing is I may not be able to do that, I currently live in Turkey and internet is not unlimited here, I can't go around redownloading games which I have already downloaded, its not cheap you know. BUt verifying the cache showed no problems and the stuck in loading screen is the same. Lets see if restarting the PC would actually work even if it is still the oldest "I don't wana deal with this" in the IT world (and I don't say that lightly I used to work in IT)


OK so restarting the PC didn't help, btw just noticed something when I start the game and get to the starting menu the there is no "welcome back underlord" diaolog... related?

Anyway this game is dead for me now I guess, not gona waste bandwidth on redownloading this when I can buy something else, download and play that without bugs (hopely).

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Steam splits updates into chunks. The CSV file will have been in a chunk that is approx 20MBs in size. The actual size of the CSV is 4.15MB. With that said I wouldn't have expected it to be that large anyway.


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