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Likely one that Cian might be able to resolve next week. We'll look into it fairly low priority though.

Gave this a try in several different approaches but couldn't replicate here's what I tried:

  • Creating what I believe to be an identical setup to the above in the Map Editor and selling the bridge
  • Creating similar setups quickly in God Mode (uses map editor tools so likely to cause similar issues) and experimenting with a few different layouts to no joy

Does this occur every time you do this? Have you tried different locations? Would certainly welcome a map file for this if it occurs consistently.

If I had to guess this is by design. We override the restrictions for placement in a few areas of the map editor to give the creator more control. Will confirm next week.

As Biervampir says this is unlikely to be fixed. Ultimately Mutators can break the game in any number of ways because they change the game from intended behaviour. We can't possibly account for all variations and there are much more pressing matters at hand unfortunately.

I will put it in review so I can discuss with the rest of the team on Monday but I would expect this to end up declined as not fixable.

Thanks for the input from our QA volunteers. I'd certainly welcome an  output_log on this and also if possible a save file before and after claiming the Artefact. :)

That's correct there should be a progress circle. Though the simulation lover in me certainly fancies the idea that it's tied to their health instead. I'll put it in review so we can check it to make sure it's working next week.

I've marked it down as a potential improvement, but it's on our very low priority list. There's a lot of other things the code team are working on at the moment that will be taking priority and sadly the information display is workable enough to be quite far down the list for improvements.

Thanks in any case I do agree it would be a nice to have feature.

For review next week when we're back in the office :)

Hi Scott,

That's great news I'm pleased that my last insight proved to be fruitful and continues to demonstrate the blackbox that is networking issues. Yet another peculiar behaviour from MS with the firewall working despite being disabled. Remember as a power user you need to be protected from yourself!

I'm pleased to hear that you find our service to be amongst the best, it's a treasured part of our philosophy as a company and despite our small size I endeavour to offer the best we can.

Thanks and enjoy the game!


This is one we'll need to take a thorough look into once we're back in the office :)