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This is on the prison scenario map; that is the Empire's sanctuary, not mine.

I'm afraid I must disagree- since the glow effect pierces the metal top of the core. It is hard to get a good screenshot of the effect. The effect is also asymmetrical within the core- the glow effects are placed like they would be if they were in-between the stone fingers of Oberon's heart.

On top of this, as far as I know, no other core has reused 'life-giving' details like this. If this is deliberate, it is rather sloppy, both for reusing another core's decor, and also for poor execution.

This is true; it is only inside of the editor. It's only when a map is loaded in; painting new claimed tiles will 'fix' the issue.

I just realized, while the display name under the map is always two lines with these maps, the larger display name above the preview is one line for the other two, but two lines for Theme Dressing Realm. Perhaps this is what's causing it?

I have found a similar importing issue; I cannot import maps that I have created and published from the workshop. This would be fine if I had any other way to load up one of my finished maps after clearing their saves from my in-progress maps list.