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Hello = ) And sorry that you encountered issue on the campaign : / I added many additional securities to C7 to prevent further scenario like yours. So on next hotfix, which shouldn't take long, playing again the level will without a doubt end properly. However I couldn't rescue the save game I'm afraid : /

Ah ! That's a different bug, the translation is not even working, can you upload a log ?

I'm highly suspecting that the CSV must have something wrong, preventing the game from loading it.

You will find output_log.txt in Steam\steamapps\common\War For The Overworld\WFTOGame_Data

Ah and also, I need Lee to update his tutorial on how to upload translation, but you can already set the default image by putting an image file (under 1MB) in the Translation/Community folder alongside your community file, with the same name. Something like that:

Hello BlackBeard = ) I'm afraid I can't replicate your problem.

If you're talking about the very first loading page, this one isn't translated because it is during this loading process that we load the settings, and discover the community language.

So this very first loading page won't ever be translated ^^' The rest of the game however, and any further loading page will be translated.

I downloaded your translation file and confirmed everything works perfectly ^_^

Hello ^_^

I had a look, and found the culprit. It is a rare race condition with a looper firing it's event before anyone else listen in a very specific scenario. = )

The winning condition currently is killing the boss and the portal. I will let our designer have a look at the balancing. But I can agree that lowering the boss and his troop level would help.