Your comments

I fixed the dancing issue. As for the teleporting I'm afraid it's lag.

You're welcome Andrew =) Happy gaming _

I see a discrepancy between your card (GeForce GTX 1060) and the one used by the engine (Intel(R) HD Graphics 530).

Look at "How to force the more powerful NVidia GPU to turn on" in

And it should hopefully works = )

The stack trace indicate an issue with the engine we're using (Unity3D). So there is nothing we can do internally to fix this I'm afraid. It should be quite rare though. And as time goes by, we update the engine as they release them, so it should fix itself after a while = ) Thanks for the report !

That said, it looks like an issue we fixed yesterday internally. I'm confident enough to set it to done = ) Thanks for the report Carlos

I did the last point I kept meaning to do but had more important stuff to do, fixing the torture height for scaled units = )