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This seems to be related to some heavy networking issues once there are alot minions on the map. There are more issues related to this like:

Half of the minions seem to bug out and players cant see what they are doing, they are just standing in one place doing nothnig, if I mousever them - description says they are doing something else which basically makes them invisible to client players while they still do their thing.

Workers stop doing half of the stuff they are supposed to. They stop building defences, sometimes they wont do anything at all. They only thing they dont have problem with is moving corpses.

Rooms get built messed up reporting incorrect number of props or even visual bugs showing one prop on top of another, and minions seem unable to use them.

Basically entire game gets out of sync for clients and everyone sees something else

All these bugs are only related to clients, host doesnt have these issues. Some of it happens pretty much every multiplayer game if map is big enough.

Friend of mine is hosting with 300mpbs upload so I doubt its bandwidth problem, unless wfto cant allocate and somehow limits it.

After playing some more I can verify it doesnt affect all types of rituals, some of them work correctly. Avarice was used to replicate this bug 100% of time

Bug can be reproduced at any time as client in multiplayer

What do I mean by "ritual gets stucki"?

Minions are not going to research it until cooldown on top of the screen expires, ritual is canceled and clicked on to research again

Hey, thanks. We gave up on playing until this is fixed so now we can get back to it after patch.

I have kinda unrelated question while im still here.

Is there any chance for release of WFTO and its expansion on gog.com in the future? I know you guys already sell drm-free version on your website and humble bundle, but I'm mostly gog.com user so I just wanted to ask. I would be happy to buy it again if that happened. Since both dungeon keeper games are sold only on GOG, I'm sure there are alot people waiting for WFTO aswell.

My specs:

I5-6600k, OC to 4.2 ghz

GTX 980 Ti


Windows 10 64 bit

I player some skirmishes and saved each time beasts started complaining about slaughterpen (save description shows time spent in a match). The bug always occurs after 25~ minutes for me

Cultists seem to be affected by slauhgterpen bug aswell. Are they supposed to eat only from tavern? Tavern description says only high level minions require it. My level 1-2 cultists were ignoring my slaughterpen today (I didnt have tavern yet). I was getting message that they cant reach slaughterpen even when standing directly in it. After creating tavern they rushed to eat from it and stopped complaining.

Probably more minions than just beasts and workers are affected, its just not as easy to catch because other minions eat from tavern and dont complain because of it.

Just made some tests in multiplayer. The "0/x piglets domesticated" bug is only visual and doesnt affect gameplay. Minions still eat from it - at beginning of the game atlast. Here are screenshots from both client and host of the same slaughterpen.



The real bug remains which is minions ignoring slaughterpen after extended period of time (workers with tavern, beasts, not sure what else), in singleplayer i have to reload save every 15 minutes to keep playing but ofcourse we cant reload save in multiplayer so multiplayer remains unplayable until this is fixed.

Edit: 1 hour to to ecounter this bug seems alot. In my games workers stop filling the tavern after 10-15 minutes. And sometimes when I have 2 taverns they will still fill the new tavern while old one is 0% food.