Slaughterpen Pigs ignored by Units after a long duration.

  • Views 20,565
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

Micropiglets are not spawning for players other than host - tested with few friends in current public steam build. Slaughterpen of any player other than host always says 0/X micropiglets domesticated. Game is unplayable in multiplayer until this is fixed.

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Steam Public

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Duplicates 2
Minions cannot reach slaughterpen

Hey there,

I just mentioned this issue on the steam forums a little while ago.

Seems at a certain point beasts somehow refuse to feed.

Everything was normal in the beginning, but now I get the message:

"Your minions cannot reach a slaughterpen" even though it's right there.

Appearantly this happens right after beast get out of the arena.

Mainly lvl 5 and above.

Haven't done anything spectacular, like recalling all minions, or sealing off certain parts of my dungeon.

I played on a 1player-map I created myself.

I can record a video, too if that helps

Workers stop delivering food to tavern after a while

Windows 10 64 bit



GTX 980 TI

Current steam public build

When game lasts longer than ~15 minutes and there are alot of minions, workers will simply stop delivering food to the tavern. They are all idle and my slaughterpen is full.

Its not related to any mission or map, happens in all games. I have to refill my tavern manually or minions will complain about being hungry all game.



Tested with multiple people hosting on diffrent maps. I have heart of gold while my friends dont - not sure if that does matter


Tested with host+client both without heart of gold expansions - its not dlc related since bug persists

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer

Very strange how this has gone unnoticed thus far. I'll check it over tomorrow when I'm back in the office.

Can you please confirm for me the full specs of your machines as well as output logs from a game session with all players as listed here: How to: Submit a Bug Ticket

Also just in case can you confirm for me that there are no actual pigs in the affected slaughterpens on host and client pcs. Screenshot ideally :)


I used wrong words previously. They are spawning and they are visible... they just dont count. Minions will ignore them and slaughterpen always says there are 0/x micropiglets domesticated.


We tried to play coop when we discovered this bug, but all players other than host couldnt feed their minions.

We tried changing the host, map, playing versus and it always worked only for host. Only host's pigs are correclty counted, all other players get 0/3, 0/12 or whatever their slaughterpen size is

If i mouseover host's or my own slaughterpen in multiplayer game (assuming im playing coop) it says we both have 0 micropiglets domesticated, and its the other way around for host. When host mouseovers my slaughterpen or his own and they are both full for him.

I will try again with a friend tomorrow to get output log and post more info when I get back from work

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Under Review

All the information you can gather for us would be great. I'll have a look into this a little later on this week :)


This bug seems to resolve itself once I reload saved game and after ~15 minutes same thing happens

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Under Review
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

Will review this tomorrow morning :)


I'm playing last mission of the dlc right now and can confirm because i have same problem, seems to happen only with beasts but cant tell if its related to arena. Some beasts just complain randomly about reaching slaughterpen even thought they are not stuck in any way and slaughterpen is like 20 tiles away

Edit: they seem to get stuck in certain rooms even thought nothing is blocking the way, they just refuse to move outside of them and all of them are 0% food