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Awesome! I look forward to play in the next patch! :-D

Two new crashes.. Same map.

The first crash happened just after the map was started, but in a fight, the second crash also happened in a fight. I have a feeling that the Sentinel has something to do with these crashes.

Crash 1: output_log 2.txt

Crash 2: output_log 3.txt

This happened on this map, but the same type of crash has appeared on this map as well. Although, the crash that is reported here appeared on a local release, but still the same map, but with I did make some minor and unrelated changes to the map before releasing it. Both of these are custom made scenario maps.

As for the creatures that were present on my side; I had all of the available Underlord creatures, with the exception of the Vampire and the Succubus. I don't remember the exact numbers on all of them, but I do know that I had about 14 Sentinels, around 6 Ember Demons and around 6 Beast Masters. Two of the Ember Demons were pre-placed on the map, but they did not cause a crash on earlier points of the game. As for the hero side, there were 2 pre-placed Sentinels, 2 Succubuses and 1 worker.

Please note that the crash happened in combat. Before the crash I had a big fight and a small fight. When the crash happened, I had just started a small fight with the creatures mentioned above. The game did not crash at earlier points in the game with both big and small fights.

Yes, there could be an issue with certain unit abilities as the crashes happens when units fight other units. Maybe this could happen in the Arena as well?

Actually, this kind of behavior seems to happen in the Arena as well. What happens in this case is that it put itself and other random units inside of the Arena. In my cases it was 2-4 beasts, the Beast Master, and a worker. This also happened with hero tagged units.

So, my thought is that the hero Beast Master rallying ability is bugged.

The Beast Master was/is placed inside the prison in the map editor, and the beasts was/are placed outside of the prison in the map editor.

I forgot to mention that this problem occured when setting this up in the map editor. This occured close to the start, on this map.

Not sure if the recyclable spirits are supposed to be fixed by now, but it seems that it is not. Also, it did add more levels than it should. I had a level 6 spirit buffing all creatures to level 10, regardless of level. The spirit did disappear eventually. This was done on a custom map. output_log.txt