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Yes, you can close, because the cards I posted on steam and can import from there, and the bug with new maps not playable.
P.S. I wonder, what are the pros and cons of Steam Cloud? Can I disable it? But, for example, when you reinstall windows, will I lose the cards and save?

I suggest to pay attention to the word "IMPORT" in the topic title. The problem in this case is not to edit an existing map. The problem is that on the basis of one map to make another. I.e. the result should be 2 maps, original and imported.

But the last locally-stored maps that are already available to import. Because, the topic can be closed (until the bug not appear again).

For any defenses the lower part is absorbed by the bridge "M". It looks bad.And any kind of defenses can not be put on the bridge "R".

I also noticed that in some cases, previously "destroyed" bug is repeated; good that you found the condition of reproducibility.

Look carefully the video from 1 post. The problem is in the import maps. In the import I can't import the map, preserved only locally.

Later, I published locally another card, and it is available for import. But the old 3 is still not available (the only way is to publish on steam and import of the section "maps workshop").

Please, write clearly, what you are suggesting. I can't download maps from the section "Import map ---> Local Maps" - it's obvious from the video, it is enough to have eyes.

"Map files", where can I find those files?

And I don't see a wrench, give a screenshot.

Here, many more places. However, I removed almost all of the screenshots.

I think topic can be closed, new no such problems.

1. Where to watch the steamcloud limit and his fullness?

2. How to remove the map from the steamcloud?

I do not understand your last 2 comments. What to delete? What do you mean "set this one to "pending" 3rd party"? It expresses the idea clearly.

It's the right idea, to give the edit option for cards that are placed into the category of "finished", as published in steam. For already on the basis of changes in the patches, do I need to edit some of the old maps. For example, I used neutral defenses, that do not already exist.