
This is a good suggestion. I mean, it will not hurt you in removing this bug, if I replace the neutral on the Imperial defences, in my map, and publish changes?

We must also maintain the specified map in its current form? Please write when you use it or a copy of it to the test - because I want to replace it in neutral on the Imperial defences.

However, I made a new map (after 1.4), is kept locally, and can play it. The problem with old maps.

Bug is not resolved.

Not available to play in the old map, modified after patch 1.4.

I had a long map, saved locally, "Test11". After patch 1.4, I loaded it in the editor, made changes, including new elements. Saved, saved locally in the list of maps for the game it is not. Kept privately and even "friends" (after that, signed on the map) - still no map available for the game. And when you import (I wanted to make a copy of the card), there was a critical error.

War for the Overworld Launcher Log.txt

Problem solved, thanks to the help of Lord of Riva, by setting the launch properties of the game "-force-d3d9" and some manipulation with a resolution (width and height) of the image in the game, in several places! Thank you, Lord of Riva!

temporary access to my laptop. Google and Yandex translators - crap, adds everywhere "you".

I found the file with the extension .meta and to another folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\230190
A lot of folders with maps - more than in the previously specified folder.

The contents of the folder Steam\userdata\[Steam user id]\230190\remote

Sorted by modified date. There is not only my maps, but I guess all I have played.

@Jan - Eric Merzel×

When merging the bug reports, it will be convenient, if you copy the new thread and paste in the old thread, then you can delete the new - or rather, to make a reference to the first response, and close.

"The local maps are stored in a different place. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\War For The Overworld\GameData\Maps""

I have in this folder only official maps: