
Random artifact in the map editor has all weights equal to 0.

Look: in the map editor, in addition to specific artifacts, is an artifact called "random". Because it is not written that this artifact gives priority to anything that I, when creating the card - have the right to expect that enough for me to put it. And in the game, after the study, can be obtained by any possible effect. With equal probability.

Nowhere is it written that I need to manually set weight. This feature existents, but as an option, not as mandatory requirement. And if I put "random artifact "default", I expect that he will give something by accident. With equal probability. That's how it should work.

This is a bug, isn't it?
In the menu there are artifacts. There is an artifact called "random". I, and every other player has the right to expect that this truly random artifact. But this is not so.
I have no reason to believe that this is not a bug.

P.S. If you 1) provided in the map editor, an artifact called "random"
2) Set all weights default to 0.
3) Artifact not working as random, but will work, if you specify a weight greater than 0.
= Can you make it so that by default, all the weights in a random artifact would be equal to 100? Or 50, which is a bit more convenient for manipulation.

P. P. S. I do not understand, what is your phrase at the end "Maybe you forgot to save or something?" What saving could I forget, what is it?

I have not played often in the Home Realm. In fact, I have since then (after a crash) have not yet played in the Home Realm again. New crash was the next day, on my map.

A little clarification, it might be important.
At first I just put the map in 10 random artifacts. Then, they changed the group from 0 to 9.

And Yes, for some reason, in this map, I can't put the artifact on Research Shrines. Maybe this happens in all maps, in which Research Shrine in advance (from the beginning) the owners of the player.

Ready. 2 save, one before I began to study the artifacts. Another after examining all 10 artifacts.
Test random artifacts (before studying the artifacts).rar

Test random artifacts (after studying the artifacts).rar

Video of the map editor, I show that assigned each of the 10 artifacts group (0 to 9).


Screenshot after studying the artifacts.

I have no question. In the window that came up during crush, it is written that would be great, if I send information about crush developers. And save before the crush I didn't do.

Not fixed [2].

1. Created in map 8 random artifacts. Chose random (which have a separate menu icon random artifact, and in which the weight of any event = 0).
2. Assign each a separate group, from 0 to 7.
Began to play in the map. All artifacts were given gold.

In the campaign, the translation is.
Not in the introduction.

Amendment, version game fresh, 1.40f11