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I second this problem. Its not that these minions do not train because they come from a Sacrifice recipe, they just arent trained automatically AT ALL regardless of where they come from.

The beastmaster does the handfist gesture to train them (listed as Training Beasts) but nothing happens.
Beastmaster doesnt train Crucible beasts 1.jpg
Beastmaster doesnt train Crucible beasts 2.jpg

I tested before sending it and also had problems replicating it, and when it does happen its usually when i am trying to test the other bugs in the other map and caught me off guard.

To make things worse, the bugged behavior is kinda hard to distinguish from the normal one because sometimes you drop the vampires and does it in less than a second, other times it just moves around the prison corners a bit before actually teleporting inside (kinda how Workers move around before placing a prisoner instead of just doing it ASAP), and other times it does the same as before aaaaaand just goes away not drinking all while Mendechaus complains that they need food. And of course all these have the same "Idle" job but with the Pig symbol on their heads for their desire for food, but they dont do it.