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It's not the same save, I reproduced the issue.

The thing is, when you load it, outpost becomes completed a few seconds later, even though the worker is not there, and starts to lose health. But when I made the save, it was just a blueprint with about ~50% health, and it was attacked already. All I did is grabbed the worker before outpost was completed, and waited for enemies to approach and notice it.

I'm afraid you missed the second part of the bug report. A gold pile has a chance to appear right at the gates even if no one dies there. Right when the gates create heroes.

Just now I restarted the Casita home realm and spawned a few groups of heroes with 9 level. Since I didn't have any minions or traps in the whole dungeon, no one could possibly die. And yet I already have 3 piles of gold right at the gates. If I'm not mistaken, it sometimes happens when the gates spawn sappers.

Hm. I noticed many times how defenses health reduces considerably faster once a cultist joins the battle, no matter its health. Perhaps it works differently vs defenses, or current target health is not so important.

Cultists debuff causes the target to take increased damage. It's actually very useful against defenses.

Although, ideally multiple cultists should apply debuffs to different targets when possible.

Since they are invisible, it's probably lava :)

I think it works as intended. Helped me a lot when AI was too impudent with dungeon buiiding.

Since your minions spotted it already, I think it makes sense to not hide it completely, leaving shield as a reminder.

I think you can close this one...

That explains why haste potion increases the chance to get into lava, and not only for workers :)

Sure, it's not a major problem.