Non units can't be damaged by the Firebreather's fire attack or the Chander's vomit

  • Views 15,473
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

Making them extremely bad at dealing with anything a non-living creature. They can't even knock enemy doors at a decent pace as other creatures. And bad assaliants for the Dungeon Core.

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Steam Public
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Under Review
Biervampir [AUT]

Can not confirm that.
Both attacks deal damage against Defenses.
Tested it with lvl 5 Chunder and FireBreather against Ramparts.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer


What type of door were they attacking? Anything special about it and what level were you playing on?


Any level. Particular instances are level 4 Chunders vomiting on a Portcullis, or a Firebreather using his fire attack against the Rhaskos' Dungeon Core on the level 7.

EDIT: I just tested a Chunder against a Templar. It didn't do ANY damage with the vomit attack. So the issue is that the attacks are completely harmless.

Biervampir [AUT]

did you tested it with a lvl 1 Chunder?

Because the burb attackbid mostly for debuff.


we had such a ticket from Slich interally, perhaps he can confirm that?

Because I tested it allready with lvl 10 Units, and they little deal damage


I had level 4-6 units. I'd think by that time they should do at least some damage.

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar
  • Under Review

The Chunder's "Belch/Vomit" skill is not it's basic attack (Headbutt is the Chunder's basic attack), and since it is a debuff skill, it isn't actually intended to deal any damage (as far as I know).

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Accepted

Confirmed it appears the Chunder's attacks do not damage some targets, although his basic attack and headbutt do.

Tested with the following:

Portculis - No damage from vomit or fart

Wooden Door - No damage from vomit or fart

Templar - Damage by both

Worker - Damage by both

Dungeon Core - No damage by either

Bombarrd - Damage by both


Alternatively, if this turns out to be intended, units should not use attacks against target said attacks can't affect.

Biervampir [AUT]
Quote from Lee "Noontide" Moon

Confirmed it appears the Chunder's attacks do not damage some targets, although his basic attack and headbutt do.

Tested with the following:

Portculis - No damage from vomit or fart

Wooden Door - No damage from vomit or fart

Templar - Damage by both

Worker - Damage by both

Dungeon Core - No damage by either

Bombarrd - Damage by both

Could it be that everything with no attacks are immun against all Damage debuff attacks?

Perhaps debuffs in general?

I would also test that with a cultist, attack once with normal attack, them Debuff, attack with normal attack again.