Uw opmerkingen

That bug is knowen, and is fixed internally.
Fix will come tomorrow :)

Thanks for the report

hi Bechn

Which Minions and which core are effected?

If only some Cores effected, as well as only Ember Demons and some Beasts, this issue should been fixed im the 1.4.

Thanks for your Report :)

No problem :)
Thanks for reporting anyway

If it still happend, you can add me via Steam and I will take a look at it.

I would be avilable in ~6 hours.

My Steam Name: Böhser Onkel [AUT]

You can also find me at the WFTO Forum at the sticked Posts "Multiplayer Host List" & "Official MP Group", if you can't find me.

Hi thanks for the infos.

I know this issue, it happens to me when I have some background programms running or WFTO means I should look at it.

For me it solves after a while, but it shouldn't take longer then 1min.

Please tell us when you wait if you get the menu options or not.

The 1.4 should optimize the main menu, that this shouldn't happen anymore/rarely.

Is it a workshop map or an official map?

If it's a Workshop map, she has to download it first (image will change when it's downloaded). If it's a official map, that would be very odd.

We would need your output_log and if possible the output_log of your friend as well (please give it a different name).

The important thing is, the output_log refreshes every time when you load something, so please upload your output log right after that happens.

Further to you Specs would be usefull?

How you could work around is:

If it's a workshop map, wait before you start the game until WFTO has downloaded it automaticly for her OR

She should subscribe to it in the workshop.

When it's downloades and the Map Image still doesn't change, she should rejoin.

Minions who has a non-stop vfx playing, like Shadows and Ember Demons, but they shouldn't have a that big problem.
Glad it solved itselfe. But please contact us, when you encounter this bug again :)

And yes, the Output log is pretty huge, hopefully someone with more knowlage about it will take a look at it

Thanks for reporting issues here, I appreachiate it

Hi again

Thanks for the Specs image and output_log.txt.
I have forgot to tell you, that the output_log refreshes every time you load something (mean when you start a Skirmish map, it will refresh the previous output:log), so that's the output_log where you played Mission 12, rigth?
So far as I see (and I have almost no knowlage about the output_log), I can only see a shader issue. And your Specs looks good for me.

Please send us some screenshots or link a video of this issue, that can clearify something.

Pleas check, if the way isn't blocked anyhow (locked doors, replacement Earth, Ramparts, active Blade Lotus, Chasm, [Then only flying Units would go for it])
If not, please decribe it in more detail.
Is it a savefile you're loading or does it also happen when you restart the mission?