Reporting a Bug or Crash (Galacticare)

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General Steps

  • Raise issues via the Galacticare Support Forum
  • Do not include personally identifiable information. Your account allows us to contact you already!
  • Include as much detail as possible. See the sections below for the ideal contents of Bug & Crash reports!
    • Our agents may ask you to provide more details, please try to be forthcoming where possible.

Debug Tool

  • PC Users on v1.0.2 and higher can generate a set useful debug files by using the debug tool. (Ctrl+Shift+F7)
  • Outputs are stored in %LocalAppData%Low\Brightrock Games\Galacticare
  • For more details see the KB Article.

Reporting a Bug

Create a new topic in the Galacticare Support Forum. Select the topic "Bug" and fill out the forum.

Must Haves

  • Summary - A short, clear summary of the issue, this is the title assigned to the ticket.
  • Description - As detailed a description as you can provide on the nature of the issue, this can be supplemented with screenshots or video footage of the issue. But it must be clear what the problem is before it can be escalated.
  • Player.log - This is the output of the game's log files and includes useful information for troubleshooting problems not readily obvious. Included in output from Debug Tool.
    • This may be skipped if you can provide reliable information on the nature of the issue and perhaps replication steps / screenshots.

Should Have

  • Screenshot - A screenshot showing the issue in situ. Sometimes this may not be possible. A screenshot of the state of the game is included in a Output from the Debug tool.
  • Save File - A save file generated with the issue present. The easiest way to get this is via output of the Debug Tool.
  • Player.Profile - The file which includes the player's current progress. This is included in the Debug Tool's output.

Supporting Info

  • Replication Steps - If the player is able to replicate the issue themselves then step-by-step instructions to do that would be incredibly useful. It is worth asking the player if they've been able to replicate the issue for this reason.
  • Video Footage - Many bugs are not easily explained in a screenshot or in description so seeing a video of the issue may help to identify the issue and the nature of the problem
  • System Specification / DXDiag - Generated report which details the user's System specification. See DX Diag Instructions

Reporting a Crash

Create a new topic in the Galacticare Support Forum. Select the topic "Crash" and fill out the forum. See this KB Article for details on where to find these files.

Must Haves

  • Summary - A clear summary of the type of crash. I.e. Crash to Desktop when doing X. Or just Crash to Desktop.
  • Description - As detailed a description of the crash as the user can provide. Including details on what they were doing before the crash,
  • Player.log - This may contain important information on what caused the crash.
  • Player-Prev.log - The Player.Log for the previous session.
  • Crash Dump - System generated files which includes critical data which may help diagnose the crash. Optional if the crash is 100% reliable.

Should Have

  • Latest Save File - The latest save file from their Save folder.
  • Player.Profile - The file which includes the player's current progress. This will allow the developers to load the game into the same state as the player.

Supporting Info

  • System Specification / DXDiag - Generated report which details the user's System specification. See DX Diag Instructions

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